Rooster doesn’t crow


10 Years
Jul 24, 2009
Athens, al
I bought a trio this past Sunday, September 17. They are suppose to be around a year old. He has yet to crow nor have I seen him try to mount any of the hens that would be his harem. Any suggestions? Is he younger than I was told which is what I’m beginning to believe?
The most common reason for a rooster not crowing is that there's another rooster in the picture. The second reason may be he's feeling insecure from being taken out of his previous environment and thrust into an all new place.

Give him space and he should be crowing soon unless there's another more dominate rooster in your flock.
I'm having this exact same issue. I bought 5 chickens, the previous owner told me they were all 9 month old hens. When I went to pick them up one is DEFINITELY a rooster (he's much larger, huge wattle/comb, long curved tail feathers) but the previous owner had never seen him crow and apparently didn't know what a rooster looks like.

I suspect they might be younger than he thought, because there's also no eggs to speak of either ... but my fingers are crossed he never learns to crow There is a hen who regularly puts him in his place too, so maybe he keeps quiet since he's not in charge?

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