Rooster emergency


In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2022
Hi! I need your help quickly! I have a rooster a friend gave to me around two weeks ago. He was doing fine until today. I had to separate him from the chickens i have. I put him in a seperit cage with food and water. I checked on him all day long. I went inside for about 10 minutes and then came back out to find him laying on ground breathing heavy. I picked him up and he did absolutely nothing. I found bloody wounds were I think his ears are supposed to be. I took him inside and put hydrogen peroxide on the wounds. He would not talk and when was breathing it was through his mouth and he would odd noises. I have too force feed him water and he wont eat. Everytime I give him water he accepts it. But after he just lays there. He will only move every here and there and when he does he just stumbles a bunch. What do i do?
It sounds like he's suffered a head injury? What do you think happened? Did he have the wounds when you first separated him? Sorry, your post is a little confusing.
First thing you need to do is treat for shock, and make sure he isn't overheating. I'm not sure where you're located, please add this info, but I know it was hot here today, and that could be a factor.
Offer him sugar water, and keep him inside in a cool calm place. Is he holding his wings away from his body? Panting? If he's over heating, spritzing, or dunking his feet in cool water can help. Do not dunk his body. This could send him into shock.
Can you please post photos? Could the other chickens peck him through the cage by chance? Sounds to me like he was attacked by the others.
Start by getting him responsive, then we'll go to wound care.
Hi! I need your help quickly! I have a rooster a friend gave to me around two weeks ago. He was doing fine until today. I had to separate him from the chickens i have. I put him in a seperit cage with food and water. I checked on him all day long. I went inside for about 10 minutes and then came back out to find him laying on ground breathing heavy. I picked him up and he did absolutely nothing. I found bloody wounds were I think his ears are supposed to be. I took him inside and put hydrogen peroxide on the wounds. He would not talk and when was breathing it was through his mouth and he would odd noises. I have too force feed him water and he wont eat. Everytime I give him water he accepts it. But after he just lays there. He will only move every here and there and when he does he just stumbles a bunch. What do i do?
How long ago did this happen? Rereading your post I'm realizing this may have happened a bit ago.
Sounds like possible neurological issues. I would do vitamin therapy. Can you get ahold of some Poultry Cell? I would get some of that and dose according to the bottle. It has vitamins that will support neurological issues.

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