Rooster Help - Aggressive or Just Learning

No. He should be wooing the mature hens instead of raping the immature littles.

But sometimes hormonal cockerels prefer to force themselves on younger and helpless birds which a good mature rooster would prevent if there was one with the flock.
This can severely damage the pullets, even lead to their death.….1589968/
He avoids the mature hens.. he is scared of them. Won’t even go to get food around them.

That’s what I’m worried about. He won’t stop until he makes them submit. When o went to see if poor Leslie was OK, I felt like there is no way she should be limp like this.

Thank you!
I would seperate him from the pullets. Any way you can give him some free range/run time with just the roo and hens? It might be a pain swapping out birds for awhile but the big girls/ Roo will teach him the rules. Let the big girls beat the stink off him.

Edit... what's the Brahma's story? How's he acting towards all the girls? Any hormonal tingling started?
I missed the post where you said it would be hard to seperate... you may have to make a decision on which one to keep? With the Brahma being young also he might start doing the same. Its hard having young pullets and cockerels without being able to seperate.
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Edit... what's the Brahma's story? How's he acting towards all the girls? Any hormonal tingling started?
He’s been great! I know they mature slow, but he is so good with the girls.

We could probably put a divider back up and keep the cockerels on one side and all the girls on the other.

I could also just let him out with the hens and see if that helps. I’m willing to try if we think there is a chance it’s just his hormones making him act like this. It was just so sad seeing Leslie limp. The other one ran right to me too, and they are not “lap” chickens like the lavenders. They would prefer we keep our distance so I know they are stressed. They barely have full crops at night. I have to feed them separate.
If I was dealing with this I would have a separation pen for the EE and only allow him some limited/supervised time with the bigger girls. Then lock him back up and let the littles out with time with the big girls. Do the same with the Brahma when the need arises.
Could I keep him in a XL dog crate? It’s a bigger one 3x3x4. It’s our broody breaker.
At least have him with the adults only! Let those hens correct him, and see if it helps. Or, send him off elsewhere, with a flock of mature birds, with disclosure. MAYBE he will improve, but don't count on it, that's not good behavior at any age.
Do you have multiple feeders and waterers, and out of sight areas out there? All also helpful/ necessary.
Do you have multiple feeders and waterers, and out of sight areas out there? All also helpful/ necessary.
Thank you, Mary.

We have 3 feeders and 3 waters in a 8x8x16 run with a 4x6x6 coop, but only 2 chicks sleep in there. Free-range during the day.

We have 4 acres but they all cruise around the immediate 1-2 acres and have their favorite 2-3 spots.

I’m opening to trying to separate him and see if that helps, but soon as I saw her limp, I was like I don’t think this is good behavior. He also pigs out before them. Not a chivalrous boy at all.
Could I keep him in a XL dog crate? It’s a bigger one 3x3x4. It’s our broody breaker.
I wouldn't keep him in there for weeks but it would work for a time til you could put up a bigger divider space for him. Do you have a run you could put up a quick wall of fencing up? Even if you kept one end loose to hinge open to act as the door also. A couple 'S' hooks latches it closed. Quick and temporary.
I wouldn't keep him in there for weeks but it would work for a time til you could put up a bigger divider space for him. Do you have a run you could put up a quick wall of fencing up? Even if you kept one end loose to hinge open to act as the door also. A couple 'S' hooks latches it closed. Quick and temporary.
I'm posted while your posting. Lol

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