Rooster or Hen

These are all about 10-11 weeks old. I thought I would be able to tell the difference between a cockerel and pullet by this time but I guess I am not very good at telling the difference. Here's my guesses:

Top a Roo, bottom a pullet (yes these are both roosters)

Pullet a girl definitely



hen you can tell by the tail and the legs

Roo yes
We started off with quite a few more but either a disease or the summer heat killed off over half of what we started with. We're trying to decide if we need to add more hens if most of these turn out to be Roos. Thanks for the help.
Can anyone tell me if my guesses were correct or are the pictures not close enough?

the white one is a pullet and the black one is a pullet the rest are roosters

Is my white Silkie a Roo? Pretty sure he is. He's about 3/4 months old I think. In the last few weeks hic comb has gotten quite large and are a reddish burgundy colour. One of my hens really doesn't like him but gets he on pretty well with the rest of the flock, including my main 1yr old GLWyandotte Roo.

Happy for it to be a Roo as I have 3 Silkie hens and a Silkie x OEG pullet so might make a seperate coop?

This is him/her today, around 16 wks old o think :)

His name is Fruffy

Is my white Silkie a Roo? Pretty sure he is. He's about 3/4 months old I think. In the last few weeks hic comb has gotten quite large and are a reddish burgundy colour. One of my hens really doesn't like him but gets he on pretty well with the rest of the flock, including my main 1yr old GLWyandotte Roo.

Happy for it to be a Roo as I have 3 Silkie hens and a Silkie x OEG pullet so might make a seperate coop?

This is him/her today, around 16 wks old o think

His name is Fruffy

i think it is a roo if he/her comb and legs get bigger it's a boy!

Rooster?? I have two like this from TSC in my group. Supposed to be hens and have not crowed, yet, but I am suspicious that these '"she's" are really "he's"...?
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Hen or rooster?



Barred Rock:



Is it too soon to tell what gender my babies are? The RIR is approximately 1 month and the BR is about 6 weeks.
Not sure about our Black Australorp...she/he seems to be attempting to crow but not consistenly and really it sounds nothing like "cock-a-doodle-doo" and more like a dying cat?! She/he is also much bigger than the other hens and definitely the one in charge. Any thoughts?!

"Princess Zelda" is 8 weeks old. in these pictures taken last week...

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