Rooster picking on biggest hen!


9 Years
Mar 23, 2010
Livermore, California
Why is my young rooster picking on the largest hen in the group? He's so mean to her. The hen is twice as big as he is....they are roughly the same age. Aprox. 12 weeks old. He doesn't seem to want her around. All the other hens are just bothered by him occasionally.
He probably views her as the biggest potential threat to his dominance. They'll work it out over time. Just let them do their thing. If you decide after a while that he is still being too mean, then cull him and replace him with a more mannerly rooster.

Good luck.
I agree with above. Does she submit to him when he tries to mate her? My biggest hen had her comb bloodied on several occasions because she would not submit gracefully to mating attempts (HE was rehomed). So if that's the case, he may want to show her who's boss???
I have the same problem with my rooster, but he's picking on my turkey. He gets on her back, bites her neck and it's obvious he's hurting her. Both of these animals are 4 months old. The rooster just began to crow. The turkey is very docile and has a lame leg. I don't want to get rid of the rooster. Is there anything I can do to calm him down?
Umm, he's not "picking on" your turkey. He's breeding her. Since she's lame and can't get away she's an easy target. Separation is the only solution. That testosterone ridden teenager is not about to change his behavior.

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