Rooster. Right ?


5 Years
May 31, 2016
Michigan (By The Thumb)
So, I've had this guy since he was an egg. His name is Penguin. I was told by you guys when he was younger that he was 100% male but so far he has shown no "rooster attributes". He is at the bottom of the pecking order, shows no interest in the ladies, and has not even attempted to crow, plus, his tail feathers are still short. He is almost 7 months old now. Do you guys think he's just a slow to mature Roo? He's a great boy, I just want to make sure he is indeed a he and that he will eventually be capable of caring for the girls.

Here are some pictures.

Okay, thank you. That is what I am hoping for. He's one of my favorite babies and still loves to be pet and be around people. Even children are capable of holding him. Hopefully the hormones don't change him to much.
Where did you get the egg from?

Is he a backyard mix?

If it weren't for photo #2 that shows some sharper saddle type feathers, I would say you've got a Black Sexlink hen.

I've had some girls with a bit of funk in feathers here or there, and that is not a true saddle by any means.

At 7 months, I should think it will either crow or lay soon to give you a clue.

If you have another rooster, a juvenile often will be quiet as the dominant rooster keeps him in check.

If he is the lonely only roo over a harem, it may take him awhile to find his voice since he's got to prove himself to the older gals first.

Or....when the days start to lengthen, this hen in disguise will start to lay eggs.

Keep us posted.

PS: Looking at the photos again, I'm thinking you've got a hen with a bit of hormonal issues causing some male type feathering and a bit larger comb. Time will tell.
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I always thought he was a hard one to tell and you guys have definitely reassured that. His mom is a red sex link and his father was a barnyard mix, Faverolle mix of some sort. I hatched him myself. So, for a while (about 5 months) he had a brother with him. His brother was about a month older than him. So, for the time they were together, they were the best of buds, but someone had to be the boss, you know? His brother was always putting him in his place until passing from Mareks Disease about a month or so ago. I don't know if that could possibly have something to do with him not acting like a rooster or what. He's an odd one for sure. He's very low on the pecking order and really doesn't show interest in "impressing" the girls in any way.

To answer another one of your questions, there are no other roosters in my flock at this point. I was hoping he'd become the next Roo to take over the flock.It's hard because at this point I have no idea if he is a he or a she and I like having a rooster around. Especially in spring because I love me some babies. I need to start looking into getting a different roo if he's a female.

Just some side notes: He/she does not crouch into breeding position, but I had added another rooster to the flock a few weeks ago and Penguin didn't challenge him at all, more like kept his distance and didn't mind. (The new roo I mentioned also ended up passing from the mareks in my flock((I Have Learned To Get Vaccinated Birds For Better Odds, Now))

I'm so confused. I will update in a few weeks and see if you guys see any changes that could indicate a specific gender.

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