Rooster with super swollen feet/ankles and Sticktight Flea infestation


Apr 30, 2022
Yesterday I noticed one of my favorite roosters was having trouble walking, so I separated him from the flock and put him in a enclosure where he could see other chickens, but be separate from them. I also found out he has slicktight flea infestation, I checked his fellow roosters and I couldn't find any of the fleas on them.
Yesterday it looked like only one of his ankles were swollen, but today both are.
He is a newly free ranged rooster.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I will post pictures later.
Thank you.
I'm sorry for the late update... My beloved rooster died several days ago.
I haven't been very active on here since then, that's why I did give an immediate update.
A day or so before he died I was about to give an update saying he was looking a lot better, but then I found him dead.
Here are some pictures of his feet when he started looking better, before he died:
Thank you for your time, @Wyorp Rock


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I'm sorry for the late update... My beloved rooster died several days ago.
I haven't been very active on here since then, that's why I did give an immediate update.
A day or so before he died I was about to give an update saying he was looking a lot better, but then I found him dead.
Here are some pictures of his feet when he started looking better, before he died:
Thank you for your time, @Wyorp Rock
I'm sorry! That's too bad!
I'm very sorry to hear about your rooster:(
I sadly believe he had something internally wrong.... I checked him several times for bumblefoot and scaly leg mites but found neither. I gave him vitamin supplement (Rooster Booster), I also gave him espom salt bathes several times. His swelling went down, but then he died a few days after.
Maybe even something genetic....
Thankfully all his other flock members look to be healthy.
Thank you for your time @Wyorp Rock
Sorry for your loss. He may have died from the gout, or anemia from the sticktight fleas. Sometimes we can learn by opening the body to look at the organs for signs of disease. Gout causes a white chaulky appearance on joints and organs. Your state vet lab is able to do a more thorough necropsy and give a detailed diagnosis.
Sorry for your loss. He may have died from the gout, or anemia from the sticktight fleas. Sometimes we can learn by opening the body to look at the organs for signs of disease. Gout causes a white chaulky appearance on joints and organs. Your state vet lab is able to do a more thorough necropsy and give a detailed diagnosis.
Sadly I already got rid of his corpse. If this happens again (which I really hope it does not), I will see if a vet can check it out, if possible.
Thank you for this info @Eggcessive

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