Roosting on tray instead of roost bar


Jul 20, 2023
Greenville, SC
I built a litter tray for my coop with a 2x4 roost bar. My girls, one in particular, are choosing to roost on the edge of the tray rather than the 2x4 roost bar. Any idea why or what I should do?
I have a hen who does pretty much that, she just recently started doing it, and I just leave her.
Every night when they're all in bed roosting, move them to the perch until they start using it on her own.
Or, you could just leave them, it seems fine if they roost there instead, in my opinion.
Any time one of our girls has been stubborn about where they want to sleep I just continue to move them to the roost bar after 2-3 nights they get the picture and go to the roost bar. They are creatures of habit so they will get the hang of it.
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