Rouen Duck thread

Thank you!!! A lot of people seem to think Production rouens have trouble breeding and aren't very productive! Mine are extremely productive I kept back 10 females last year. Hatched 75 for myself, sent out atleast 50 eggs and threw away another 200+. They also get around fine, just an extra waddle to their step ;)
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Really I was sure that the standard rouens couldn't breed well ,



Update :my two rouen flocks split up again right before the grass turned brown again too lol now that its cold there spending nights together but always fight each other first thing in the morning .
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I have 2 female rouens and 1 male. Since they molted in about sept they have stopped laying eggs. They were very regular before that they even hatched eggs in april. They will be two years in the spring. Any ideas why they stopped laying? They have a room they go in together at night with a warming light and their own pen during the day, completely closed from critters cuz we had coons before.
Hi all, BYC newbie here, long time reader, first time poster.
I have absolutely fallen for the Rouen Duck breed, and was wondering if anyone knew where I could get a few ducklings. I'm located in western Sydney Australia, but all I can seem to find are the show quality birds, and I much prefer the slimmer look of the production lines. I have found the similar Rouen Claires, but would definitely go for the darker coloured Rouens if I could find them. :)
Im so jealous of people living in USA, with so many waterfowl hatcheries to choose from who will sex and ship ducklings, but you cant have everything I suppose!
Anyway, look forward to chatting with you all, thanks!
And before I forget, are the females' quacks comparable to Pekins? I've had some problems with neighbours about loud ducks before, so would like to know what I'm getting myself in for...
Thanks again guys!!
Welcome, welcome!

We are blessed with many hatcheries here, large and small. Someone in the U.S. recently was looking for some Rouen Claires - wish I had a better memory for names. Well, perhaps they'll see this thread and join the chat.

Have you seen the Where Am I Where Are You forum? That is organized by location - so you are more apt to find Australian duck people there. Maybe. Hmmm…. Now I am wondering, but I think Duckyfromoz mentioned that is a fairly active thread. But that was a while back.

Yes, I am tired.

Welcome again! I have Runners and Buffs. They are only loud when they see me returning to the pen, or the food bowl is empty, and when they first go outside in the morning.
Where did you get them from? Your rouen could be a possible mix if you got them from someone or if you got them from a hatchery or feed store it could just be bad genetics that would cause it to have that white ring. It's a pretty think ring from what I can see and I remember on my male the ring being a lot thinner. There's also a lot of white on it's wings which makes me believe it's either a mix or is just bad coloring.

I bought from a feed store.. It's a female.. She started laying eggs in November.. She made a decent size nest in her duck coop..every now and then she sits on them.. Not enough to start incubation... I think she might be practicing.. My mom incubated two of her eggs.. They hatched yesterday.. They are the cutest.. And tiniest ducklings I've seen so far.. She bred with my Indian runner...thank you for your reply.. I think she is possibly a mix.

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