Rouen Duck thread

Mine always returned to the coop at night without encouragment (after a week or two of being taught)

Im interested in newly hatched, but not right now. Need to build pond, but it is soooo hot here. Question: Do rouens winter well?

I have 2 Swedish and a rouen right now. It gets in the 100s here all summer and they are doing very well. We don't have a pond. We just use a kiddie pool. I freeze water in gallon jugs and float them in the pool. I also go out throughout the day and spray down the dirt to help keep them cool. They love it. We haven't went through a winter yet but so far they are doing good in summer. :) also mine go to bed on there own every night. I didn't really teach them I just showed them where they sleep a few times and now they go there every night by dusk and then I luck them up from predators. I pet them out every morning at 5 am. :)
No one is a horrible person just because they eat duck. What exactly do you think Rouen's were bred for?? To be pets? Nope they are meat birds. I have three I plan to keep as pets but that is a personal choice. Nothing wrong with using them for food.

What I find worse than eating a duck is subjecting a duck to a life alone because the person didn't do their research which would have told them you should NEVER just get one duck. They are extremely social animals and naturally never alone.

Your a horrible person!
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No one is a horrible person just because they eat duck. What exactly do you think Rouen's were bred for?? To be pets? Nope they are meat birds. I have three I plan to keep as pets but that is a personal choice. Nothing wrong with using them for food.

What I find worse than eating a duck is subjecting a duck to a life alone because the person didn't do their research which would have told them you should NEVER just get one duck. They are extremely social animals and naturally never alone.

I think this was already addressed. :)
So I thought we ended up with two girls and a boy but now my third one we named Petey has found "his" voice. Sounds pretty girly
I was looking forward to having a pretty boy. At least they'll all give me eggs though. What are the odds of getting all girls from a straight run tractor supply lol Not sure if I've seen it happen for anyone.
So I thought we ended up with two girls and a boy but now my third one we named Petey has found "his" voice. Sounds pretty girly
I was looking forward to having a pretty boy. At least they'll all give me eggs though. What are the odds of getting all girls from a straight run tractor supply lol Not sure if I've seen it happen for anyone.

Lmao. Your so lucky. We got 2 drakes and a hen from tractor supply. Even 3 out of the 6 pullets we got there turned out to be roosters lol..
Hi I have a male Rouen duck named duke he's about 5 months I've had him since a day old and he follows me everywhere and like to be pet... Recently he has been giving me trouble with other family members especially kids and animals, chases them and strikes them especially when they near me he Strikes my mastiff too haha I gues you could say I have a guard duck
any suggestions to help calm him?
Hi I have a male Rouen duck named duke he's about 5 months I've had him since a day old and he follows me everywhere and like to be pet... Recently he has been giving me trouble with other family members especially kids and animals, chases them and strikes them especially when they near me he Strikes my mastiff too haha I gues you could say I have a guard duck
any suggestions to help calm him?

Does he have a female? If he doesn't it sounds like you have taken the place of his mate. Getting a few females may work wonders lol.. :)
Yeah that what I was thinking too we dont have any females :/ I have been looking for Rouen duckling to get a female but some are too far away... Hopefully if I find one his temper will calm down lol

If they are just meant as pets and not for breeding you can add any heavyweight duck as company. I have a rouen drake and 2 Swedish. I'm about to add some ancona ducks as well. :)

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