Rouen Duck thread

Lol ya we bought all but two of our chickens from a hatchery because I didn't want to deal with multiple roosters but we ended up buying two bantams from one and both ended up being boys!
I keep telling myself because they are so little they won't be a problem. I am hopeful they won't be but doubtful too. I actually would have preferred having one drake but if I still want one next year I will just order a girl and boy from somewhere.

Lmao. Your so lucky. We got 2 drakes and a hen from tractor supply. Even 3 out of the 6 pullets we got there turned out to be roosters lol..
We have these kinda ducks, I think lol, but I'm trying 2 figure out if there male or female...they r fixin 2 b 7wks & 1 is quaking which is tha smaller 1 of tha 2 & tha bigger 1 is still just peeping...can somebody help me out with trying 2 figure out if we have a male & female?
We have these kinda ducks, I think lol, but I'm trying 2 figure out if there male or female...they r fixin 2 b 7wks & 1 is quaking which is tha smaller 1 of tha 2 & tha bigger 1 is still just peeping...can somebody help me out with trying 2 figure out if we have a male & female?

The quacking one is a female. 1 female and 1 male congrats.
R these 2 gona fly? When can we expect 2 have sum babies?

Rouens don't usually fly, although in the rare case a small male can (rare, though).
They should start laying eggs anywhere from 4 months (16 weeks) to 9 months (36 weeks). I don't know if the eggs are fertile right off the bat, but after about a month when the eggs are consistently shaped and sized, they should be fertile in the breeding season (early spring, sometimes late winter, through to mid summer. if you live in an extremely mild climate, they may hatch some in fall).
will you be wanting the female to hatch her own eggs?
Yes she would need 2 hatch he own eggs

Okay, but this isn't a for sure thing I hope you know that. Most Rouens brood their own but sometimes they refuse to, which you will need an incubator in that case.
It takes time for ducks to build up enough eggs. When they are fertile and you know the male is mating her, let the nest build up to 10 eggs over time, or perhaps more. When there's enough there, she will hopefully start to incubate them herself. Make sure every time she lays a new one you candle it, to make sure it is fertile. Remove any infertile eggs or eggs that smell rotten throughout the incubation period. She should be leaving the nest once or twice a day for food, water, and bathing water (this should be available so her eggs are properly humidified). If she isn't, you may need to force her to leave once a day. When she leaves you can check the eggs (1 time per week) and remove the infertile ones, rotten ones, or dead ones.
Good luck :D

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