Rouen Duck thread

Thank u so much 4 all ur helpful information, u have helped me out wit all my questions plus more...

My pleasure. :D

Hi my drake Charlie has imprinted on me but he always seems to run away from me or anyone who tries to get him. He comes to me and lays down but it's when he wants too. He follows he and freaks out of I'm out of his sight, peeps. Why is he doing this? He was wearing duck diapers but has grown out of them and hated them being put on. Was ok once on. How can I make him calm down and not move away from our advances to pick him up etc?:/

Hi my drake Charlie has imprinted on me but he always seems to run away from me or anyone who tries to get him. He comes to me and lays down but it's when he wants too. He follows he and freaks out of I'm out of his sight, peeps. Why is he doing this? He was wearing duck diapers but has grown out of them and hated them being put on. Was ok once on. How can I make him calm down and not move away from our advances to pick him up etc?:/

Food is the way to a duck's stomach... and heart. Hand feed him lots of treats, and rub his bill- ducks love that!
What kinds of treats would he like that all ducks love

Well... he might be uncertain about trying these but here's a short list:
Corn, Watermelon, Bananas, Grapes (cut in half), Cucumber (finely chopped), Lettuce, Mealworms, Blueberries, Peas, Raspberries, etc
You can also search up "Duck Treats" and there will be a BYC article called "The Ultimate List Of Duck Treats And Supplements or something like that, that will help you tremendously. Good luck :)
I became a duck lady completely on accident ,my pal was finished with chickens and I bought her last 10 hens but she would only sell me them if I adopted the widowed duck ,a sweetheart khaki Campbell ,with the softest coo...or sigh...or whatever that noise is she makes besides the quack :D and the booty shake of Shakira
Anyhoo, her mate was murdered by their lab a few months prior so I said of course...well winter comes and spring starts to awaken everything and I've noticed how she is the only chicken not roosting up on a roost ,she's on the coop floor...alone.i mean I started wondering if the hens all knew one language and her another !!! Which lead to Donald my pretty Rouen I found for free up from my house ,who was scheduled to be soup in it's a true love thing between them and the story gets great right now

My lil bitty Pooby ,a white silkie has gone broody and she's been sitting on a mountain of eggs for 2 1/2 weeks now,and it dibs on me that I haven't had pepper for over a month :0
Those eggs are sterile....she'll sit forever

Long story short.......?
Miss Pooby will in 20 days - ish be the proud momma of 4 Rouen khaki-Campbell ducklings :D
Fingers ,toes crossed . And enjoy y'alls weekend ✌️

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