Rules for The Coop that the books don't tell you. My experience as a newbie.

This girl is serious about treats.

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I didn't realize I'd have to deal with poop to this extent. I'm up to my eyeballs in chicken poop. I'm shoveling it, examining it, stepping in it. I have to do the "grass shuffle" (that's what I call it) from the coop to the house. I'm pretty sure I've mastered it and I'm beginning to think that if I were to go out dancing, it's what I'd do. Also, I think my free rangers make sure to poop just in the places that we walk. Those stinkers. :barnie
I didn't realize I'd have to deal with poop to this extent. I'm up to my eyeballs in chicken poop. I'm shoveling it, examining it, stepping in it. I have to do the "grass shuffle" (that's what I call it) from the coop to the house. I'm pretty sure I've mastered it and I'm beginning to think that if I were to go out dancing, it's what I'd do. Also, I think my free rangers make sure to poop just in the places that we walk. Those stinkers.

And never forget that loose stinky Cecal poop Is lovely Chanel no 5 for the dog.... My dog used to dab it behind her ears.... LOVELY... shed come in the house stinking to high heaven... Id look down at her and she would be like "What....!!?"


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