Rushed KiKi to the vet this morning


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Nothing like getting out of bed three hours early, only to drive an hour with a siamese screaming the whole time.

Late last night KiKi (the siamese) started running to the litter box non-stop. She'd squat like she had to pee, but only a few drops would come out. She was miserable and this went on most of the night.

Vet feels she passed a stone. Her bladder was empty on palpatation, so apparently she passed it in the night. Vet doesn't want me to switch foods or add canned food, since KiKi has issues with some foods and is doing great on her current food. Before I switched to the current food KiKi had chronic diarrhea and would shed really bad. Vet's daughter (a vet tech.) told me to keep both cats away from seafood based diets which she has read can contribute to the stones. KiKi's on antibiotics in case an infection develops from the stone. Got the okay to try offering KiKi cranberry juice or craisans if she'll take em.

Emergency vet visit, KiKi's antibiotics and another dose of Comfortis for Jax, total bill $40.

Oh! KiKi now weighs a little over 10 lbs. That's a three and a half pound gain since we brought her home in late June.
Yep, she'll be staying on her diet for awhile yet. KiKi scared the daylights out of vet's daughter when KiKi tried to give her one of her signature hugs when Nikki wasn't expecting it.

Out of curiosity I asked the vet if she treats chickens. She doesn't, but said if I ran into a problem with one that I couldn't fix myself I could call her and she'd try to find me answers (free of charge).

So all is well in my world again today. My precious KiKi is going to be okay.
If she won't eat cranberry juice or craisins, I wonder if you could give her some of those cranberry-type supplements? But aren't cranberries for infections? How would that help with stones?
It keep the enviroment (I know there's another word, but too tired to think of it) of the bladder acidic, to keep the stones and infections from developing in the first place.
It keep the enviroment (I know there's another word, but too tired to think of it) of the bladder acidic, to keep the stones and infections from developing in the first place.

It keep the enviroment (I know there's another word, but too tired to think of it) of the bladder acidic, to keep the stones and infections from developing in the first place.


Thank you! I'm so tired.

Yep, I love our vet. Took all three - Jax and both cats - in for their yearly in early July. Puppy shots and rabies for Jax, rabies for Kitty, worming for KiKi, plus Jax's comfortis tablets (2) and 6 months of heartworm preventive; total $78.

Thank you! I'm so tired.

Yep, I love our vet. Took all three - Jax and both cats - in for their yearly in early July. Puppy shots and rabies for Jax, rabies for Kitty, worming for KiKi, plus Jax's comfortis tablets (2) and 6 months of heartworm preventive; total $78.


I knew ours was ripping us off!
She's an old-timey vet out in the middle of nowhere. She was close to where I used to live, but is now an hour away. I still prefer her to the vet that is closer. Actually one of my animals would have to be on death's door before I'd take them to the closer vet.
Our vet does mostly large livestock, cows and horses. She doesn't do x-rays, but that's about the only drawback.
Glad KiKi's OK.

Imp- Costs me $78 just to park at my vet's office. Lol. Maybe I should fly my cats to your vet. Might be cheaper.

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