Rushed KiKi to the vet this morning

Thanks. The vet and I did discuss a change in food, but KiKi is doing so well otherwise since I changed to this food, we are holding that idea in reserve.
She seems to be doing better with the antibiotics on board.
glad shes doing better!!
I am glad your KiKi is going to be fine.

When I first saw your title I had to read it, because of your cats name. We also have a cat named KiKi, I didn't think anybody else did
Ours is a cat that was dumped here when she was about 3 months old and had a upper respiratory infection. Our two outside cats attacked her so we brought her in and many vet visits later she is a healthy girl. Her name started out Smokey (because she is so tiny and gray) but somehow evolved to KiKi.

I wish we had a vet around here that was as cheap as yours! I have to pay $50 just to get the vet in the office... then of course there is the exam fee $20, any medications $$, and then of course lab costs more $$.
hmm...we adopted a siamese two weeks ago and since bringing her home she has had diarrhea and gas baadd and i noticed last night the shedding thing. Tomorrow our dog is going in to be spayed and I will be talking to the our vet about the seafood thing. She's on kitty food now. Thanks for the info and I hope KiKi does well. We named ours Ashes (Queen Ashes)
The vet actually asked me for the name of the food we are feeding KiKi and our other cat, Kitty because they are doing so well on it.
When we first brought KiKi home she had diarrhea and bloating and fur just fell off of her.
The diarrhea and the bloating are completely gone and her coat is just beautiful now, as is Kitty's.
The food is made by Meow Mix and it's called Wholesome Goodness. It has some seafood in it, but NO GLUTEN, which apparently was most of the problem with KiKi. I had another siamese that also had a gluten problem.
I've been owned by several siamese. KiKi is by far the weirdest one I've owned.

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