Saddest day ever


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 10, 2013
Joplin Mo
My husband and I were asleep, around 4:30-5:00am we heard our chickens making noises we have never heard before.. I pulled my curtains back, and saw a coyote running away from our house!! Then we ran out to the coop, and could only count 5 of our 10 chickens.. Then we saw another coyote with Rosie (our rir month old) in its mouth. :( we searched the acre in our pajamas and found the rest of our missing flock. My brahma Easter egger was still alive! She looks very plucked in her rump area, and hasn't been active, but she can walk. I'm afraid we may lose her too, along with our 5 month ostarlorps, our partridge Cochin roo, and Rosie. It was a very sad morning.. We are building fences tomorrow... And I loaded my 38 for the first time.. My heart hurts from our loss..
So sorry. We have coyotes here too but luckily I only lost 2, during the day, when they were ranging in the pasture. Our coyotes are VERY shy and don't approach the open areas/buildings.

A secure closed coop, a dog, tight tall fences, motion lights all can help keep them at bay. I have 5 small dogs and I clip their fur. I regularly take the older hair (from the bottom of the bag) and spread it around the edges of the chicken and duck runs. I figure it can't hurt to have a variety of dog's scent around. We also have a 10 month old LGD that is outside though he is a bit of a wimp still.

I also have a solar motion light by the front of the coops. It was $20 at Home Depot and has worked very well.
When I've had losses (more to lose dogs than anything else) my chickens have taken several hours to feel safe enough to emerge from their hiding spot. Keep the gun loaded (as long as that is safe for your living situation, we don't have kids so we always have a loaded gun ready to go) and keep it with you when your outside. Whenever I neglect to bring something with me is when something happens that I need it.

I hope that your injured birds recover.
I'll throw in my sad story. 2 of my favorite 3 chickens (a new hampshire hen and an ee rooster) were killed by a fox. It was during broad daylight.
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This is my ee.. She is very lethargic and has yellow droppings.. Sorry for the graphic pic. I'm afraid she might have internal problems..
should we consider putting her down?
We built fences, secured the coop and run, and put motion lighing up. This cannot happen again. I never thought I would care for my hens the way that I do. I intended on having them for egg production and meat, but they are so much more.. Lol I guess I'll be buying my edible chicken from the stores.. They are officially pets. :/

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