Saving Money, What Have U Done Away With?

We moved here (buying this house) almost 4 years ago..

Never got cable..

We use dial-up for internet..

Roomate got a cell phone for free on his mom's plan (3rd one is free)

He picks up the groceries on his way home (saves gas that way)

I cut both me and my roomates hair.

I cook almost everything from scratch. Even make my own wine occasionally

I can't even remember the last time I bought new clothing other than undies from the dollar store.

Any food thats questionable for human consumption, gets boiled and fed to either the dogs or chickens (the dogs get the meat, chickens get the veggies)..If they don't eat it, it goes in the compost. Anything moldy or too far gone goes straight to the compost, but I try not to let that happen

Stock up on canned goods when they are on sale.
No meat or fish that costs over $3 a pound.

Getting better at my canning skills (and gardening skills-purple thumb here

Make my own bread, cookies, ect and so on..

Never was a big fan of makeup, and probably never will be.

I get lots of things thru the local freecycle..Like vaccum cleaners, tvs, building materials, a Christmas tree, roosters, etc etc etc

Lately we have even been doing without heat for the most part..
My roomate has a space heater he turns on in the morning when he takes his shower. That's the only time it gets used.

We are in Texas and the house is well insulated..
The sun does a good job when it comes thru the windows of warming it up in here

Plus with me cooking, that helps warm things up too.

We have thick curtains so when its not sunny, or it's in the summer and we don't want the sun warming things up, we just keep them closed.

We don't even own a dryer. If its too wet to hang clothes outside, I do it inside.
For awhile I was even washing clothes in the tub till Roomates mom found out and bought us a washing machine.

Hmmm, what!

The adult chickens freerange, but I still spend more on them than if we just bought eggs and meat at the grocery

I'm hoping that will change come spring..

I've thought about getting a goat for milk, but we don't have a proper home/fence for it yet.
do they still have "free internet" out there? Like years ago NetZero used to be free if you didnt go over so many hours a month...
(okay.. now I"m showing my age!)

I'm sorry you have to shut down your internet
My internet is my lifeline... I know I can live without it..but... well.. really I cant -my bank is 60 miles away and all my banking is online - I dont want to change banks either - they run credit checks to open a freaking bank account now a days *major eye roll

to you
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I'm cutting my cell phone bill in half-hardly talk on the phone anymore anyway. I gave up the land line a long time ago. I'm trying to convince myself that giving up the cable tv is a positive thing. I only watch two channels, but they are on all the time. Like white noise in the house. I even sleep with it on.

I've been leaving the heat off here for the most part. ATM I'm brooding chicks and ducklings in the house and they still have light bulbs on. Looking forward to being able to put them outside!

I made some changes in what I feed my parrots and that saves me $100 a month while still giving them an excellent feed, I'm very fortunate there.

Unfortunately I'm about to have to give up my riding lessons. And can forget sending either of my horses to training. I'm going to be doing good to hang on to them.

This is early in the season yet but DH and I were talking about this last night. Those of you with kids in sports, what are you going to do? Our DD has mentioned playing competitvie softball again. I said definitely not! Even our local summer ball league is a little expensive. Living out in the boondocks it is 40-50 miles to play a team in the next town. Not sure what we are going to do. I do know the kids need to learn that sacrifices do need to be made sometimes. But.......
I believe that she is talking a rabbit ears..... but....

Free to air receiver if im not mistaken is a box you can buy on like Ebay, its around $100 bucks, you plug it in like you would your regular satleite box and it you will have to enter a code that you will have to go online to a website to get (free website) and it will pick up alot of the channels you are now paying for, its not illegal as they dont own the airwaves. Like with cable when people were stealing cable they hacked into the cable system. This si different.
Anyway, the bad thing is, one minute your channel surfin with the kids and one channel is Barney and the next one AINT BARNIE!!!!!
" and then the kids are saying "mom , dad, what were those people doing naked?" !!!!!! And there is no channel guide for it either, ya just gotta be careful. LOL:thumbsup

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