SC/NC Swappers Post Here

I want to go so bad, but cannot find a way to register my Roosters or hens and cant find any info. I would love to go just to get an idea on how to show and see the event as well. You have any detailed info by any chance?
I want to go so bad, but cannot find a way to register my Roosters or hens and cant find any info. I would love to go just to get an idea on how to show and see the event as well. You have any detailed info by any chance?

Matt will be posting detailed information in this 'chickenstocks"section for the show shortly after the beginning of the year with more details and contact info.

You will them be able to call in your entries in and into their proper categories based on breed/size.

At the last show they also had State Poultry testers there to test birds before the show.

October was our first show and in Morganton at that, we really enjoyed it and learned allot.
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HenThymes~~~I was at the Fall show~~~how come we didn't meet? lol I think all BYC'ers should wear some kind of patch, or banner so we can all find each other.

I'll definitely be there....I don't like to travel too far from home, so Morganton and TN are two shows I try not to miss. I had 17 Silkies to bring, but a buyer is coming to look tomorrow, and she'll probably take all of them.

Jan~~I phone in my entry, you can do the same, the secretary is VERY helpful so you shouldn't have any problems. Matt A will create a new thread for the show under this Forum---he's a great guy.
We will prohably attend the Morganto show. Didnt realize it was coming up so soon. I would also like to go to Jefferson GA. about 3-1/2 hrs from me.
I am in the Kernersville/Winston area. Wonder if there are a lot of people from this area that will be traveling out of state to shows nearby? I would be interested in a carpool idea for that matter!
I think Backyard Chickens should supply free tshirts for us to wear to shows upon proof of registering our poultry for shows, that way we can identify other forum members as well as advertise FREE for the backyard chicken site~
Are you bringing any of the serama's? Lori just had a hatch of 5 yesterday, one more still in egg pipped. She is a very happy new chick mommy.

I may bring a couple of serama but mainly orps this go round LF and Bantams.
For a newbie at showing, I would love to show my Silver Dorking & Black Sex Link Hen. I imagine these kind of chickens are often overlooked at a show due the common valor of their breed so any suggestions for a newbie?


The rooster on right in image I am thinking of showing:
Sorry, but a sexlink is a mixed breed bred for laying. They are not a breed of bird and are not showable.

I don't know anything about Dorking, so I don't really know the standard for them. I would check to see if there is a breed club in the US and see if you can find a copy of the current APA standard for them. Then compare your bird to the standard.


Edited to add the club link with a standard description:

to say goodluck.
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