
I pay $3.75 for 50 lbs of nice pine shavings compressed into a plastic bag, and that is from my feed store which is probably the best rate going --so , figure your gain based on that price and you did hit the chicken lottery! I need some more now so I'll be at your house with my truck in a minute, lol!! The new coop sounds good too, now just get your DH a job at the local hardware store so the chicken wire and nails are a better deal and you are all set, haha!! Congrats!!!
Seriously....if any of you are within driving distance. I am sure I can set up for you to get a truckload as well. They pile this stuff outside, and just let it sit there! UGH! Sooo many chickens going without! LOL
I was thinking of getting a part time job...if my health the local hardware store. Will have to see what the Dr says..but sounds like a plan to me!
What a great job for your son that benefits the entire family!!! All those free shavings........I'd have my coop filled to about 4'!! Talk about DEEP LITTER METHOD - you could go crazy! Maybe pack it behind that new paneling for insulation too. If allowed by your son's company, I'd be stock piling shavings in every orifice I had on my property! Good work! Never have enough shavings!


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