Scratch Feed vs. Pellets, and Oyster Shell

Sue E.

In the Brooder
Nov 30, 2017
Central Texas
This will give you my background.

My two chickens aren't really mine. I bought some food for them - I guess you call it "scratch feed" because it's grains and such. I bought a smallish bag of DuMor Five-grain "Premium" scratch feed. Seems like the girls don't eat all of it. They pick and choose.

I believe I've seen pellet-type foods for chickens. Are these any good? It seems the waste would be reduced if they like the pellets.

I also give them dry/roasted mealworms as a treat.

Also, I've bought some oyster shell calcium supplement. How do the birds eat it? Will they eat chunks of it or do they only eat whatever shell "dust" is on the food? There are chunks in the bag, of course. So far I've been mixing it with the scratch food.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Sue! Scratch feed isn't complete nutrition. It's just a treat. Chicken feeds are formulated with complete nutrition for optimum growth, laying, etc. The same formula can be pellets or crumbles. (Mine prefer crumbles) There are different formulas for baby chicks, for laying hens, some are for all poultry in general, or for meat birds, game birds, etc. Since you've only got two, you might want to get just a small bag as these feeds are perishable over time.
They do eat chunks of oyster shell. They get a craving for calcium when they are laying...and will take what they need, I put it out in a separate bowl.
Thank you for that quick response. I'll get some crumbles next time, and put the oyster shell in a separate bowl, like you do.

Thelma and Louise are laying hens, and at least on of them (Thelma) has started laying.

Thanks again.
I do give mine that same 5 grain scratch as well. I give it to them in the afternoon after they've eaten most of their feed and I scatter it on the ground. For chickens like mine who don't get to free range, pecking around for the scratch is a natural entertainment.....I think it supplies a need to do this....

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