
Barbara Groves

In the Brooder
May 22, 2015
Doing my research on chicken feed I find that soy is genetically altered and I don't wish to feed this or any other altered grain to my hens. They only get a handful out in the run to encourage scratching in the soil. Could you suggest a mix of grains that I can mix myself? They are on layer ration and I suppose soy is in that too but organic feed is to expensive. Ontario prices for this type of feed is >$35.00.
Basically unless you take the time to grow and process everything your birds eat they are getting some sort of genetically altered something. I buy Blue Seal brand feed and it's as close to safe as I can find without spending stupid amounts of money.
Thanks for your reply. I've been having trouble getting on line. Yes to your answer and I expect most rations have unwanted BMO's. Barb
Organic is "too expensive" because our minds have been poisoned with the unrealistically low prices of most coventional farming. Some organic things are not worth the price, IMO, but daily staples are always worth the price. We grow a lot of our own organic fruits and veggies now, but for years we just bought everything. We're not rich, we just make a choice where to spend our hard earned money.

Something to try is to find a local organic farm that have chickens. See if they might be willing to sell you some of their feed.

The worst of the worst are yes, the GMO corn and soy. Nearly all the corn and soy grown these days are the GMO versions. These are sprayed with MASSIVE amounts of weed plant should be able to grow in such poisoned soil, but these two crops have been altered to be able to do so. There is a growing movement of non-organic non-GMO corn and soy, but so few of these crops are produced, their price is nearly as high as organic, assuming you can even find it.

If you can find feed with fish meal, no corn or soy, it will be some pretty good feed, organic or not.
Doing my research on chicken feed I find that soy is genetically altered and I don't wish to feed this or any other altered grain to my hens.  They only get a handful out in the run to encourage scratching in the soil.  Could you suggest a mix of grains that I can mix myself?  They are on layer ration and I suppose soy is in that too but organic feed is to expensive.  Ontario prices for this type of feed is >$35.00.
It's going to be impossible to get feed with no GMOs

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