
*sigh* Just so I know that I have not lost my mind. . . . .did the Delaware thread get blasted into perdition? I can't find it. . . . . . . I just would like to know if I am blind or not.

I love all you people.

Cetawin, I need to try your recipe. Looks good.
We are in the family section, right? So, I assume all of us "family members," can chat about whatever...... just like we always have!
LadyHawk! Thank you so much for that recipe! I thought this stuff looked a lot like what you had described and posted pictures of awhile back. Your recipe sounds great! Especially as it can be altered to fit the needs of my flock.

DH gave the block to the boys later in the afternoon. Of course, the fidiot threw the dang thing in there, which caused Brutus to freak right out and sent him flapping right up and over the fence! Great! Just GREAT husband!
Now Brutus knows how to get out any time he wants to until I can get some more fencing material and raise the fence line again!
And that's just a recipe for madness and mayhem within the flock. Chief just doesn't need it and neither do I!

I'll roll the block back out to the main yard this morning before I put the boys in the side yard for the day. I think I'm going to take an ax to it and see if I can't break it into something a bit more reasonable in size as some of the girls did seem to be a bit intimidated by that big strange looking block.

My plans for the day??? Well, let's see.....I have twelve cases of porcelain floor tiles waiting for me to lay them out in the guest bathroom and master bathroom. Yes Kathy, I know I still need to update my BYC page and post some more pictures of this home building project! But I'm the Queen of Procrastination, you see. And what kind of a Queen of Procrastination would I be if I jumped right on that???

Anyhow, there are also the gardens that have been woefully neglected this year since our spring was so incredibly lousy. I might wander down to #1 and do a bit of weeding later this afternoon.

I really need to get out to the coop and add in a "keep him quiet" compartment for CB so that Denny doesn't take the ax to his little neck for waking him up every morning at the ungodly hour of oh-dark-hundred!
I love CB to pieces, but I have to admit. He has a mouth as big as the Columbia River!
Why is it that the littlest ones can have the biggest voices?

Hope everyone can keep cool today that need too. We're forecasted for a high of 79 with a 50% chance of scattered T-storms. Please don't hate me! I have no control over the weather!
Have a great day everyone!
I was talking to a neighbor yesterday and described one of my roosters as "the really loud one" and she knew exactly who I was talking about. Whoops.....

Fortunately "the really loud one" is leaving in the next week. The other big boy here sounds like Tarzan yelling when he crows, so I don't mind him at all
Ok I'm here.

Now I know the other posting got blasted and quite frankly I'm not privey to why and don't need to be. I must confess, I limit my long conversations to just a few folks and unfortuanately you folks are it.

Ya know some one posted about improving a breed, Orloffs specifically, making it a better layer or meatier bird. She mentioned a book, you'll have to read the other post. Here is what I said, cuz I think it pertains to Delawares as well.

Delawares are my passion breed of poultry. I have not read the book you've posted. However Delawares were originally a dual purpose bird for both eggs and table. While appearance is important I can not disclude these important traits. From my point of view all aspects and traits of a breed should be bred for. Personality, appearance, and productivity.

It can hardly be considered that the original Rhode Island Reds, another dual purpose breed, were bred for the aggressive roosters, which many are finding.

As for the Orloff, the Feb issue of Practical Poultry, of which I am an avid fan , has an article about the Orloff.

It seems to me that an Orloff that lays more than the expected 150 eggs per year would still be an Orloff. Though adding another breed to the line to achieve that end would disqualify it as an Orloff.

Just as I believe adding Columbian Rocks or CornishX's to the Delaware breed to improve meatiness disqualifies it from being a true Delaware.

A breed must breed true and a Delaware pair that throws offspring that look similar to the Columbian Rock or has the body type of the Cornish X are not true Delawares.

Unless of course the APA disagrees.

As for laying my Delawares do very well when it's warm and I've kept Nick and the girls in the run and they layed very well yesterday 5/6. One has a chick so she's probably not laying again yet. Speckled hen I think Georgia girl is laying, if my finger test is correct. Earlier than the EE's she hatched with. She is not one of the six.

Now I've previously mentioned "Minnie Rose Lovgreens recipe for raising chickens" ? Well further reading revealed her recipe for stopping mean roosters from biting and I quote "I had one too that pecked at my legs, so I swatted him with a piece of board. He watches out for me now."

It's a very simple down to earth book, not large but good. She was born 1888 in Norfolk County, England.

Nice to see you folks have a nice day


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