
No I can't. Chech

As for Halloween. Where we used to live I was threatened by teenager coming to the door out of costume and clearly were to old.
Where we are now no one comes and that suits me just fine. Halloween is no longer safe for anyone.
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Awww, come on Cyn! You don't like Halloween? You don't like Christmas? Do you like any holiday?
We are in the country and don't get any Trick or Treaters. I miss seeing the kids have fun.

How 'bout some more cute Halloween treats?

Has nothing to do with "liking" them or not. Has to do with my personal conscience and what I believe in and don't believe in.

Tim, it's always bugged me, especially in the world we live in. We tell kids to watch out for strangers, then one day a year, we send them to the houses of strangers and tell them it's okay to take candy from them. How twisted is that anyway? I realize it's been more regulated with malls and certain n'hoods doing their own thing with strict supervision, but you know not all kids are that closely supervised on that night.
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Cyn, in the beginning BC my son went perhaps once. I never encouraged it but me and DW didn't see eye to eye then. Now it's just to dangerous all the way around. Every year there are horror stories.

Now on a more pleasant note.

WHAT is with this hen. I went out to do another egg collection and come back to find the BM hen sitting on the mat in front of the door. She moved and when DW and DD came home there she was. I just checked and there just like yesterday was an egg. at. 5:30 or so.

What is going on? I've only picked her up a few times and while the door is near the door to where she spent the last 30 or so days hatching and rearing chicks, why there? What can I do to get her to lay in the coop? She lays the egg and then goes back to the coop. She stays with the flock all day as far as I know. Just comes in drops the egg and leaves.
WHAT is with this hen. I went out to do another egg collection and come back to find the BM hen sitting on the mat in front of the door. She moved and when DW and DD came home there she was. I just checked and there just like yesterday was an egg. at. 5:30 or so.

What is going on? I've only picked her up a few times and while the door is near the door to where she spent the last 30 or so days hatching and rearing chicks, why there? What can I do to get her to lay in the coop? She lays the egg and then goes back to the coop. She stays with the flock all day as far as I know. Just comes in drops the egg and leaves.

Hahahaha! I love it! I was gonna say the same thing Cyn said! That is just so cute!
Made it back from St.Louis in one piece. Had a run in with a possum in the chicken coop last night. He ran before I could beat him with a shovel, which was the closest weapon to hand. I found his entrance and have fixed it with wire cloth. Hope all is well!!

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