
Awww my poor sweet couch buddy. She was the most gentle sweet girl to a stranger when I met her the first time. What a love. She will be missed I know.
I am sooo sorry, Cyn.
My condolences to you and Tom. I know you will miss Kess.
I really enjoyed the pictures you posted.
Rancher Hicks, if I put a nest on my patio, I think at least one would lay an egg in there! But not on the doormat, LOL

Well she did it again yesterday too. I have no idea what I'm going to do. Every time I went to the door and looked out , she would be looking up at me. DW says I should take her to AL with me.

On another note that darn BR rooster came at me again yesterday. I reached to grab him and yanked out all his tail feathers. I'm worried about DW getting hurt. She's a diabetic and a scratch or bruise could be bad. I'll have to make sure she carries a stick.
Cyn, I'm so very sorry - your pictures touched me, and I'm tearing up. Big hugs to you & Tom, and you know Kes is in such a better place now!
That pic of her looking down at one of your BR hens is just precious! Thanks for sharing with us all.
Ohh... Cyn I am so sorry about your dog. I loved the look of her. A dog like that if I did not have to travel back and forth from now on would be wonderful.
You should see me trying to build Chicken cages for my flock of 13 to travel down to the coast for the winter this yr. I will leave here about Nov something.
I have to wait until the Dr's release me.
I have the pins and screws out of my wrist and arm. the balance problem I have been having the Neurologist said was caused by a stroke!!!!! A stroke at 66 yrs old already.
Scary for me. I am diabetic and he says that is not that unusual. Anyway my family wants me on the coast for the winter so I will not be alone in a snow storm or stranded
without power. I think the stroke occurred right after the 8 hrs of surgery I had three yrs. ago because then is when the balance problem and weakness started. I walk with a stick for balance support now. I am not complaining just explaining. I am better than I have been in 7 weeks. Hope all is going well with your clearing of your land. Gloria Jean
Thank you all. Wynette, that BR she is looked down at was a very young Lexie, who of course, sadly, also passed on about a year ago.

Lacy, considering all that was against us with the AI, Suede's age, his extended period of decline, the age of his only hen laying, the fact that her eggs were never the easiest to hatch in the first place, we decided not to even attempt it. The odds of success were probably less than 10%.

And in hindsight, I was right not to do it, not to desecrate his beautiful old body because after he died, Dusty never laid another egg, then she went into her second molt of the year, what seemed to me to be stress-induced from his sudden death. And what is odd is that it's not a normal molt. She is only molting down her hackles, not anywhere else. The entire back of her neck down to her shoulder area is full of prickly quills. The rest of her is fully feathered.

I have lost quite a few precious souls in the last year or so, notably, Zane, Sunny, Riley, Shadow, Suede and now Kes. And considering the age of many of my hens, more will probably pass on before the end of winter.

In case anyone was wondering, Kes was named after a Star Trek character. Kes was an Ocampa, a race who lived to be only 9 years old, played by a beautiful blonde woman named Jennifer Lien. Here is Kes:

Gloria Jean, your post didn't show up till I submitted this one. We are slowing getting the first "meadow" area outside the fence cleared of brush and fallen trees. We are not going to push ourselves, but after that first area is cleared, I think we will seed it with a deer/turkey plot mix of some sort. We have enough wood for this winter split already, but will keep on doing it to get started on the next winter, and the next, and the next...

Tom was told once that he had had a series of mini-strokes after an EEG.
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Cyn, I share your grief for Kess. We're facing the same thing with our sweet old boy, Jasper. He turned 12 this past week and I know he won't be with us much longer. My sister has his litter mate brother, Sherman and he isn't doing much better than Jasper. We'll probably loose them both at about the same time I figure.

Those are great pictures of Kess, and that's the way you should always remember her. Young and vibrant, ready for play or just snuggling up. Animals bring so much to our lives. Is it any wonder they take so much with them when they go?

I don't know if we'll get another dog after Jasper passes. He's kind of a tough act to follow, if you know what I mean. But ours is the kind of place that sort of needs a big dog around. We're way out in the country, with few eyes to observe the comings and goings of people if we're not home. A big dog is a good deterrent to unwanted and unwelcome visitors when we're away. But, dang it, Jasper is simply irreplaceable in my heart. And besides, where am I ever going to find a dog that I can trust with the chickens as much as I do Jasper. As far as he is concerned, those are HIS babies! LOL
I don't know why you're having the trouble, Amy. Nothing is wrong on my end, so not sure what's going on with your posting.

We can't afford another dog, don't want to go through this loss again, however, if we ever felt that we needed protection here, we would get a dog made to live outside. Since we have a covered porch and electrical outlets, she could have a heated bed/house right on the deck and be a thick coated dog who did not come in the house, maybe a German Shepherd. Tom had a GSD when he was growing up named Bullet. It would have to be a dog I could trust with my birds, though, or no way. I won't have another lovebug house dog, not ever again.
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