Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Daze you might want to get that gosling out and turn it on it's back and check the legs all the way down. By taking your index finger and thumb and in a rubbing motion start at the top of the leg and work down. If anything pops leave it alone you may have just put the joint back in. Also recommend to take some yarn or horse tape for horse legs and make a brace on the legs to tie them together. Tape the one leg right up at the elbow joint I call it, like if on your arm right in the elbow bend. Tape there and take the tape leave enough room in the middle so baby can walk normal and attach the tape around the other leg. Or you can use butcher string or yarn. Keep it of for a few days and see if you get results. But do run your fingers down each leg to make sure one in not out of joint. This can and does happen to goslings. Sure hope this might help you Daze..
Thank you for this advice! I turned her on her back and felt her legs. They felt normal to me and no pops. By the end of the day yesterday she was standing and today she is walking! I think maybe she just injured her foot or leg and needed to rest. She acted like she was limping on it in pain. Today she is walking a bit clumsy, a bit pigeon toed and stepping on her own feet, but she is walking! Thank you all for you help!

Also I gave my young gander peas and niacin and his legs stopped shaking! Now we can stop calling him Shaky Bones! LOL
So glad to hear the legs are getting better today. I always like to give cooked peas to my geese they do enjoy them.... Also glad to be of some help to you.
I have a gosling !! Only one out of the four "Easter eggs" made it. Two died hatching and one didn't pip.

Any tips on raising a single? Right now it has a there week old chick in with it for company.
Is there any way to sex a white seb at this age
I have a gosling !! Only one out of the four "Easter eggs" made it. Two died hatching and one didn't pip.

Any tips on raising a single? Right now it has a there week old chick in with it for company.
Is there any way to sex a white seb at this age
It is going to overly love you... thats what happened with minee.. only one made it... and it think I am Mom.. if I go out of its sights it starts screaming... be prepared!
ON the peas I always cook them but you can do like Miss Lydia said and put them in the microwave and take the chill off. But peas are great for shaky legs or being off kilter I call it.
I spoil my geese and gosling terribly...Right now because of laying season and the stress of breeding and laying eggs. I got to walmart and by this mixture of nuts and berries for wild birds. The nuts has lots of calcium in them and that is what the girls need to replace in their systems. It also has berries in there and I take and feed it with their normal feed. About a cup to feed 17 adults. Grapes they love, apples, tomatoes, some cooked corn not a lot, water melon and the rind, just try different things with them they will show you they like it or you can stick this one.

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