Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

i got a nice love "bite" bruise on my arm that's a week old... i think i'll pass. hopefully in a day or two i'll be separate my Seb pair from the flock. then atless i have one solid breeding. plus it will save my poor opps extra seb male from attack
i got a nice love "bite" bruise on my arm that's a week old... i think i'll pass. hopefully in a day or two i'll be separate my Seb pair from the flock. then atless i have one solid breeding. plus it will save my poor opps extra seb male from attack
The problem with that may be how long she could still produce mixed-breed offspring AFTER being separated.

I'm not sure how it is with geese. But I've proven the "theory" with chickens that they can still lay eggs from a particular male for up to three weeks. I have a bantam cochin hen that was moved completely out of the pen where the roos are and placed with 2-month-old babies. She laid phoenix-mix eggs for a full 3 weeks after being moved - then her eggs went infertile (there is a cockerel in the baby mix, but he was/is too young). I'm actually incubating EVERY egg she lays, in hopes that they will soon be fertile again. Once they are, I will know the young cockerel has reached sexual maturity. And he's a FRIZZLE cochin, so I really want his babies! But so far, three months with no fertility.
Hello I am looking for Sebastopol Geese a pair of adults or some baby goslings. I live in West Virginia so I am willing to dive a few hours away from were I am located at in West Virginia. I am heading to the Ohio Swap the one they use to have in Lucasville Ohio which they moved it this year to Chillicothe Ohio. Are any of you geese breeders taking any up to the Ohio sale this April is so what is the price on your geese or gosling. If any of you have adult Sebastopol geese for sale in states of KY,VA,WV,TN that is not to far out of the way from WV please contact me. I love these geese bought someeggs off ebay incubated them didn't hatch any off.
i got a nice love "bite" bruise on my arm that's a week old... i think i'll pass. hopefully in a day or two i'll be separate my Seb pair from the flock. then atless i have one solid breeding. plus it will save my poor opps extra seb male from attack
I have learned to be quicker than mine. When he gets close enough, I turn around and grab him and smother him with hugs. Now he thinks twice.
Today was going in to put feed in the bowls in the pens got to the last one and Grant came over and but my right thigh! Nasty little brat.. I can not out run him because I walk with a cane. But I think he went in and count the eggs in the nest because I raided the nest earlier and got 15 eggs from all the pens. So I guess I deserved then nip he did....
Today was going in to put feed in the bowls in the pens got to the last one and Grant came over and but my right thigh! Nasty little brat.. I can not out run him because I walk with a cane. But I think he went in and count the eggs in the nest because I raided the nest earlier and got 15 eggs from all the pens. So I guess I deserved then nip he did....
I would get after him with your cane! I found goosing them in the tail really gets them good! I think that is what they would do to each other.

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