Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I live in Florida and my Breeding pair laid last year starting in mid February and this year she hasn't laid at all as far as I know. We found 2 larger eggs in with our ducks in the beginning of December but no more then that. Is that to early for them to lay? Or did it throw her off by being in the pen with my pekin ducks also? I just am not understanding why she didn't lay or if she did start in December why only 2 and why so early? Any help would be wonderful..
We're venturing into the land of the Sebastopol goose, as we are rehoming some unwanted eggs.
Not sure how many will be there until we.get thete
. Any advice will be appreciated, we're chicken folk and never incubated waterfowl. I'll get photos of the parental when we get to the farm
soooo excited.

What are quickie things we.NEED TO KNOW about babies.and.behaviors of geese in general.
Hi HerbGirl -- geese are nothing like chickens. They don't need as much heat so be sure you give them room to get out from under the heat lamp. Human grade oatmeal mixed with a non medicated chick starter will cut the protein, but mainly be sure you give them green stuff. I pick rye grasses and clover, collard greens, romaine lettuce, brocolli, etc. They won't eat much first 3 days...then watch out. They become munchers in a hurry. Enjoy them -- they are FUN!

Thanks so much
we didn't know we were going to be so blessed today
kinda thought we were picking up about 4 eggs, came home with 12
so this will be fun...The little one is watching
Fly Away Home Now...ha ha.

here is a pic of some the flock (it was a rescued flock come to find out)
Hi everybody!
I got my first geese last summer--a pair of Sebastopols! She's laying now, and I'm just curious...could any of you give me a ball park for the average weight of Sebastopol eggs? I've heard that yearling eggs are often under-sized, and I'd like to get an idea of what's "normal."
Hey everyone! I've been trying to read bit by bit about Sebastopol geese, but I thought who better to ask than people who actually own and love sebastopols?

I'm trying to find some but they can be found nowhere near me. Mom and I are absolutely enthralled, though, so we are eager to get started on a small flock of them!
I hope you find some! I'm new to them myself. I have a pair, and they are my first geese, but I am enjoying them tons! They're such fun and great entertainment.

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