Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I went from zero to seven Sebastopol geese in a matter of 4 days! I'm totally loving it! The first two pics show the 3 that Kimberly was able to ship last Tuesday. They are now a week old and so much fun! I found the others on Craigslist. I took 2 really big road trips to pick up the others last week. Monday I went N and picked up the 2 youngsters plus the 3 year old female that has lost her mate. On Wednesday I took a big road trip south into CA to pick up a 3 month old white female (their last gosling available). I'm hoping some of the babies are boys. The only gosling not shown is the 3 month old. She's really pretty, feathering in nicely. I tried several times to hatch my own from shipped eggs but I'm afraid my humidity was too high and some of the eggs maybe not fertile. I had 2 make it to pipping but that's it.

Kim, thanks so much for sending these magical babies. We play outside during the day and they have a big plastic brooder in the house. The biggest baby is chewing on my shorts in the first pic. They love romaine. They haven't been as eager for cantaloupe. The majority of their diet is greens (lettuce or grass).

Oh Julie -- look how sweet they all are !! Congratulations on finding the other sebbies nearby. I KNEW there had to be quite a few of them since Holderread's was so close to you. I would have visited them every spring for something if they were anywhere near Alabama!

Try Honeydew --if I remember, Publix had honeydew on sale the week I shipped those guys to you. They never tasted cantalope although seems like they would like a sweet melon of any sort.

They are magical, aren't they? Enjoy them-- they grow quick!
I just got two geese and the goslings look different one has a grey back and is a bit smaller, I'm thinking I may have a I? And...if I do are they brother and sister?
Jean, those youngsters look like they will be good birds! Very nice heads on them already. I bought to pairs of sebs this spring one pair from patty zimmerman and the other pair from audrey overton. I can't wait to see how they look this fall:D I am planning on going to a few shows and seeing how they do.
Jean, absolutely great heads! Ganders? Oh so hoping you say yes they are ganders. :D

Just had three hatch over the last week. Two more eggs to go and all done. Of course someone has to be a nibbled in this group.

A few of the older babies, and some very interesting coloring popping out.



Future curly grey having a very bad hair day lol

Smooth grey same age as above curly for feather comparison
So far I have what looks to be 8 ganders and 3 females.

I have a couple more eggs I am crossing my fingers on though. I am having a tough year this year hatching eggs. :(

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