**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Quote: Omg omg omg, I didn't do that, did I? I did. I mean I didn't DO it, I just did what I would never have intended to do.
<* gasp hyperventilate hyperventilate choke*>
I meanto say, within the total numbers of officers encountered within the realm of professional law enforcement radio communications - radio goes pretty far and reaches many, many people - not a single one of those multitudes of state-wide officers could be considered as layers of chicken eggs. Not one. Not even the female officers. Nope. Nobody.

....somebody please punch me in the chest to get my heart pumping again, wouldja?
Sorry Linda, just had to draw attention to those four words. Nice attempt at a recovery, but this I can do for you
The skulls are pretty cool. The guy at my gun shop offered to bleach the skull of my fox (if I ever get it) but I'm torn between that and taxidermying the thing. Now that I've seen your skulls though... I'm thinking I might want to go that route.
No one writing on my walls in crayon or puking in the middle of the night. I'm sure I'm missing out on some wonderful parts of having kids, but it's just not for me.
Actually SCG when they are little, they eat crayons and give you wonderful colorful party poo in their diapers. I am here as a witness to that fact. Nope, sometimes you are not missing anything
Honestly, I understand why some people never have kids and as far as I am concerned nothing wrong with that. You know you can't sell 'em even after they are grown so really, what good are they?
The skulls are pretty cool. The guy at my gun shop offered to bleach the skull of my fox (if I ever get it) but I'm torn between that and taxidermying the thing. Now that I've seen your skulls though... I'm thinking I might want to go that route.
just make sure he doesn't actually use Bleach
it will degrade the bone

once the flesh is removed by maceration or beetles (never boiled), the bones / skulls need to be de-greased for several weeks to several months depending on the type of skull and the fat content of the bone

then whitened with peroxide and heat (sunshine works fine)

then sealed with something that won't yellow or flake (i use Paraloid B-72)

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