**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

My eggs arrived today

6 golden palm eggs and 9 blue and/or black. The auction I won for the blue/black eggs was for 6 eggs but the seller threw in 3 extras.

How long should I let shipped eggs sit before putting them in the incubator? They're currently on the top shelf of a closet (I have a 2 year old with endless curiosity, lol) in cardboard egg cartons, little side down. I've read/heard conflicting reports on whether I should be turning them before setting. Suggestions?

I would let them sit for 24 hours at room temp.. then into the bator.. pointy end down and not turned for 24 to 48 hours depending on air cell condition
Originally Posted by ThaiDye

Right now, they are just is a room. My refrigerator gets pretty cold (things freeze near the back). I only have paper (cardboard?) cartons, but can probably get a styrofoam from a friend. What does the oxine do? Where do I buy it? If Listerine/water, how much to each?

I was thinking of just buying a cheap incubator to use as a hatcher.

Sorry for all the questions. I just really don't want to mess this up. My first hatch were just barnyard mix, but these eggs are more exotic breeds & I really want them to hatch.

Jump over to the Cinco de Mayo page and ask her. I was just cutting and pasting to help ya out

Jumping over as suggested :)
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DiDi also had a Lurkey. Now she has Lil Lurkey.

And I have Lurkettes from Lurkey. And soon to be Lil Lurkettes.

They arrived today. It's not too soon to candle. I knows it.

Not sure where my day went but just now sitting down at the computer and it's almost bedtime.

Oh yeah... my time goes to work, seeds, chicks, goats, turkeys, ducks, hoop houses, bee hives, sewing...

Yes... sewing.

I'm in atleast for chicken eggs. Hubby has been saying he wants turkeys but he hasn't built a coop yet. And I don't know anything about them what breeds to get or where...so probably have to wait on that. Although it is his 50th bday tomorrow... I may have to think on that lol

Hey guys I think my post got missed since I didn't do it poetically. But I would like to participate. If I can? Or do I have to be heennapped, poultnapped or chicknapped? Lol
Of all the turkeys I have had (and I have had close to a thousand over the years).. I have never named one "Lurkey"

I must be slipping!

I must just be old.............................."Chicken Little", the children's book.

Chicken Little was in the woods.
A seed fell on his tail.
Chicken Little said,
"The sky is falling.
I will run."

Chicken Little met Henny Penny.
He said,
"The sky is falling, Henny Penny."
Henny Penny said,
"How do you know, Chicken Little?"
Chicken Little said,
"Some of it fell on my tail."
"We will run," said Henny Penny.
"We will run and tell the king."

They met Turkey Lurkey.
Henny Penny said,
"The sky is falling, Turkey Lurkey."
"How do you know, Henny Penny?
"Chicken Little told me.
"How do you know, Chicken Little?"
"I saw it with my eyes.
I heard it with my ears.
Some of it fell on my tail."
Turkey Lurkey said,
"We will run.
We will run and tell the king."

They met Ducky Lucky.
Turkey Lurkey said,
"The sky is falling, Ducky Lucky."
"How do you know, Turkey Lurkey?"
"Henny Penny told me."
"How do you know, Henny Penny?"
"Chicken Little told me."
"How do you know, Chicken Little?"
"I saw it with my eyes.
I heard it with my ears.
Some of it fell on my tail."
Ducky Lucky said,
"We will run.
We will run and tell the king."

They met Goosey Loosey.
Ducky Lucky said,
"The sky is falling, Goosey Loosey."
"How do you know, Ducky Lucky?"
"Turkey Lurkey told me."
"How do you know, Turkey Lurkey?"
"Henny Penny told me."
"How do you know, Henny Penny?"
"Chicken Little told me."
"How do you know, Chicken Little?"
"I saw it with my eyes.
I heard it with my ears.
Some of it fell on my tail."
Goosey Loosey said,
"We will run,
We will run and tell the king."

They met Foxy Loxy.
Goosey Loosey said,
"The sky is falling, Foxy Loxy."
"How do you know, Goosey Loosey?"
"Ducky Lucky told me."
"How do you know, Ducky Lucky?"
"Turkey Lurkey told me."
"How do you know, Turkey Lurkey?"
"Henny Penny told me."
"How do you know, Henny Penny?"
"Chicken Little told me."
"How do you know, Chicken Little?"
"I saw it with my eyes.
I heard it with my ears.
Some of it fell on my tail."
Foxy Loxy said,
"We will run.
We will run into my den,
And I will tell the king."

They ran into Foxy Loxy's den,
But they did not come out again.

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