Secret coop

I know this is not what you want to hear, but just as the others have mentioned, hens can be noise. I have 3 or 4 in my flock that think they need to sing (loudly), every time they lay an egg. You might see if your neighbor would be agreeable to you having them, with the understanding, if they are a disturbance to them, you would promptly be rid of them. Then be sure your neighbor gets a weekly supplement of fresh eggs.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
You are going to have to implement plan B. I don't know why you'd go through the expense and hassle just to have to get rid of them.
As @ChocolateMouse suggested, why not try quail?
Indeed! We have many quail! I thought it would rid the desire for chicken... It did not. Haha. Quail have basically no personality, not as trainable, not as fun... Haha also smaller eggs, obviously. Reasons why we would like chicken : )
Welcome to BYC! And I can definitely say hens can be super loud. I have one that screams with delight anytime she sees me, wants us to come out, wants out I'm the morning, and whenever else she feels the need to let us know she here. Lol And the egg song at 7 am wakes us up if the windows are open. And forget about when a few others want to join in the celebration!
All that said, open communication with neighbors is key. We know our girls can be loud so we check in with them often to be sure they are not bothered. We also have asked for them to be open if they are being bothered at all. And.....bringing eggs certainly helps too.

Hello, sorry you can't get your local ordinances changed to allow a legal flock. Personally, I get attached to animals and it would be hard giving them up if I wasn't allowed to keep them. So between that and any possible fines, I'd go without a flock until I lived somewhere they are legal.
My flock is technically against the rules of my very rural, sparsely populated community. I started giving eggs to several board members last year, and I was quickly "grandfathered" in, even though the rule is still active, and I've only had chickens for just over a year !

My closest neighbor is over a half mile as the crow flies, and has no idea I have 15 layers and a cockerel who crows quite a bit. I have a blatant disregard for stupid rules, but this situation turned out wonderfully for me. YMMV

Good luck with your "guerilla" flock.
Indeed! We have many quail! I thought it would rid the desire for chicken... It did not. Haha. Quail have basically no personality, not as trainable, not as fun... Haha also smaller eggs, obviously. Reasons why we would like chicken : )
Maybe you should move. :confused:
I’d start by having a chat with the neighbors. Other than that, I think the rest have given great advice.

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