Seems like it took FOREVER!!

Yep definitely jealous of ya'll. My girl's are between 10 and 12 weeks old. I can't wait until my girls start laying. How soon should I put my nesting buckets in?
Yep definitely jealous of ya'll. My girl's are between 10 and 12 weeks old. I can't wait until my girls start laying. How soon should I put my nesting buckets in?

Could be coincidence but my first egg showed up the day after I put the first nest box in. They were 19wks. Several had been showing all the signs for a couple of weeks or more.

There are far more knowledgable folks here to advise you. Disclaimer has been given! Lol I personally, if I was doing it over, would have nests in there by 14 wks or so. Even if they don't lay for a few more wks, what's the harm?

In my coop, once the first pullet layed, the rest started. I think the only ones not laying now are 2 of my RIR's and my partridge wyandotte bantam.
I too have been on egg watch! I was told that my golden comet would lay at about 18-20 weeks, and my buff orpingtons would lay around 22-26 weeks. Week 18 came, and nothing. Week 19 came and I would check each day (ok maybe a few times each day, but who is counting). Nothing. And a gentle verbal scolding did not work either, which is strange, because verbal beratement seemed to be motivation to us as children. Who knew there was another way? (Love you Dad) Week 20 started and I had resigned myself that my sweet birds would be kind, eggless birds my whole life. And then I got two eggs in the same day! I was so ecstatic! Now I am ready for the other 3 to start. Let the gentle verbal beratement begin on those three...
Lol This is the latest pic I texted hoping they'd ooh and ah over the various shades of brown. BUT they obviously don't give a whack!

Those are beautiful! I always love how each girl's eggs will be HER shade and won't match someone else's eggs. I try to make sure all my different colors and shades are represented at the top of my egg basket. :)
I too have been on egg watch!  I was told that my golden comet would lay at about 18-20 weeks, and my buff orpingtons would lay around 22-26 weeks.  Week 18 came, and nothing.  Week 19 came and I would check each day (ok maybe a few times each day, but who is counting).  Nothing.  And a gentle verbal scolding did not work either, which is strange, because verbal beratement seemed to be motivation to us as children.  Who knew there was another way?  (Love you Dad) Week 20 started and I had resigned myself that my sweet birds would be kind, eggless birds my whole life.  And then I got two eggs in the same day!  I was so ecstatic!  Now I am ready for the other 3 to start.  Let the gentle verbal beratement begin on those three...

I still use that method with kids, chickens, dogs, hubby... You get the idea. So happy you are now in the egg finding club! My BO's started between 19 and 20 wks:) Everything I read told me my EE's would be the last to lay but they were 1st.
Those are beautiful! I always love how each girl's eggs will be HER shade and won't match someone else's eggs. I try to make sure all my different colors and shades are represented at the top of my egg basket. :)

Thank you! :) I had no idea brown eggs would be so exciting. But I can't wait until my Welsummers and Easter Eggers start laying. They're only six weeks old. Suspense!
Ha I understand. It really is sad I went from a normal person to an anxious person to someone who texted EVERYONE I KNOW when we finally got our eggs! I even created a video montage!

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