Seems like it took FOREVER!!

I got a chicken off craigslist and put it with my new old chickens. How long will it take before she lays again

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Sorry, I'm not sure. If the hen was laying at her previous home, I would think she should continue at her new home. I have heard that some hens are skittish and may not lay when upset, nervous, uncomfortable. If that is true, she may take a bit of time to acclimate herself to new surroundings and get to know her new coop mates. Purely speculation on my part, but based on things I've learned from other chicken keepers. Hopefully, someone with more knowledge chimes in.
I, too, got my first eggs this week!! I have 2 hens that should've been "laying age" for a few months. Both finally started this week, a couple days apart! They free range & one is laying in the box, the other is laying in the yard; not sure what I'm gonna do about that. I also sent pictures to everybody & called my grandmother-in-law. Husband laughed at me, but set up a game camera to catch who was laying when we were only finding eggs from one hen. Granny called me to check & see if we had more eggs every day! Hehe! I love chickens & crazy chicken people!
Welcome to BYC!

Sorry, I'm not sure. If the hen was laying at her previous home, I would think she should continue at her new home. I have heard that some hens are skittish and may not lay when upset, nervous, uncomfortable. If that is true, she may take a bit of time to acclimate herself to new surroundings and get to know her new coop mates. Purely speculation on my part, but based on things I've learned from other chicken keepers. Hopefully, someone with more knowledge chimes in.

That's about the way I understand it also, but I haven't experienced it either. I bet she will lay again very soon, when her system settles down.

I, too, got my first eggs this week!! I have 2 hens that should've been "laying age" for a few months. Both finally started this week, a couple days apart! They free range & one is laying in the box, the other is laying in the yard; not sure what I'm gonna do about that. I also sent pictures to everybody & called my grandmother-in-law. Husband laughed at me, but set up a game camera to catch who was laying when we were only finding eggs from one hen. Granny called me to check & see if we had more eggs every day! Hehe! I love chickens & crazy chicken people!

Very pretty! And I was also glad to find others who understand the excitement! Its awesome!!
I, too, got my first eggs this week!! I have 2 hens that should've been "laying age" for a few months. Both finally started this week, a couple days apart! They free range & one is laying in the box, the other is laying in the yard; not sure what I'm gonna do about that. I also sent pictures to everybody & called my grandmother-in-law. Husband laughed at me, but set up a game camera to catch who was laying when we were only finding eggs from one hen. Granny called me to check & see if we had more eggs every day! Hehe! I love chickens & crazy chicken people!

That's fantastic! My hubby has a game camera. I should try that. Congrats!
That's fantastic! My hubby has a game camera. I should try that. Congrats!

I have a game camera set up on one of my coops/runs at my camp with my roosters, and another one on my pond. I have one of our home security cameras set up on the chicken/duck pens at home, but its not zoomed far enough to see that detail. I can watch it live from anywhere. But a game camera pointed in the coop at the girls would be a great idea. Think I'll try it too. And most of them can be set to short videos too, with sound! Oh my! That will be too cool!!

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