Seems like it took FOREVER!!


If I remember correctly combs and wattles kinda seemed to grow all at once.... Then started turning more red. Or you could have a variety with very small combs. You've probably got several weeks to go. As exciting as it is to get those 1st eggs remember that maturing too quickly isn't healthy. That makes the wait more bearable.

My girls seemed to sprout them all at once too. I have 8 comets, only one laying so far (5 days, 5 eggs, yeah!) only a couple still have small combs.


She's a beauty!
Could be any time then really. I only have internet on my phone so I can't always see details. I think when mine all looked to me like they really should be laying and I started checking 2 (27) times a day for eggs, it was another 2 or 3 wks before I actually found one.
Only 2 (27)?? Lmao!
I thought my silkies would lay first so I have been watching for a few weeks. I was surprised by the brown egg on Monday.
I think they just like to keep us guessing.

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