Seems like it took FOREVER!!

Mine are slackers too!  The only hen laying hasn't laid in two days!  Probably the weather. 110 heat index past two days.  UGH!!!

Yep, heat definitely affects my girls. There are some really good threads here or helping your flock cope in extreme heat. I personally, do the following now and production is back up...
*Provide a kiddie pool with sand and just a bit of water in it.
*Put frozen water bottles inside your waterers.
*Fill 2 liter soda bottles with water and freeze them. Lay them in the coop and run for them to lay against
*Make sure there is tons of ventilation in your coop
*Make sure they have plenty of shade and their food and water should be in the shade
*Give them a cold treat in the hottest part of the day. (Frozen corn or peas, fruit, melon rinds)
*Have places to perch out in the run, not just roosts in the coop.

The only item above that cost me any extra was the pool. Pool and sand together was less than $10.

Lots of people use fans and misters. So far i haven't needed to and my girls are happily giving me 5-6 eggs daily. I have 7 or 8 actually laying. Before all the hot weather adjustments we were down to 2 eggs a day on hot days. Keep in mind that chickens do not swim. Very young chicks could easily drown. My girls stand in the water to cool off.

I hope this helps!!
Hi everyone, I read someplace that if the bones on a hen by the rump are separated, an egg would soon follow. I checked and while I was checking some of them lifted the tails and were shaking back and forth. What does that mean in terms of eggs coming and time frame? Thanjs
I put the pool in an area of the run that isnt very level. I used a 70lb bag of sand. Sand is deeper on the higher end of the pool. Then about 3 or 4 gal of water. So they have moist "land" on one side. Water on the other. Just put it in a shady spot. My one EE practically lives in it. The first day having the pool, I sprinkled some scratch in it to encourage them to try it out.
don't they pop in it and how do you clean it? Thanks
don't they pop in it and how do you clean it? Thanks

Occassionally they do poop in it. I scoop out what i see once a day. Every 2 or 3 days i dump the water out, put some clean water in. Swish it thru the sand. Dump it again and refill. Chickens eat their own poop. I dont worry much about their pool being spotless. I don't want it filthy but its not spotless.

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