Seems like it took FOREVER!!

My kids are pretty close. They've had their differences but usually work things out. Mostly they just worry about each other. My brother and I aren't close so I tried really hard to make them realize they need each other. Our kids are all grown but the youngest. He just turned 12. I am still waiting for the house to be too quiet.
that is so nice I am not close to my brother either and I did the same with mine they are within 5 years of eachother so growing up was a constant why does he get to, Why does she get they are great and it makes me so happy
I spoke to someone today who used to have chickens. They said it can take "a while" for some new layers to work out the kinks. So I'll just wait. But don't tell my girls. Lol they think someone is going to freezer camp if they don't get it figured out soon.

Amen! My girls think the same... so we will stay hush hush about it!
that is so nice I am not close to my brother either and I did the same with mine they are within 5 years of eachother so growing up was a constant why does he get to, Why does she get they are great and it makes me so happy

My first 2 were only 21 months apart. And yeah, they fought constantly. They also schemed together a lot too. It used to make me mad but I realize now that it gave them a shared goal. It made them a team. I'm glad now that they had that. The last one we all spoiled and are now paying the price for it. He's so lazy! Without him my cancer would have gone undetected. The older kids knew that without him I may not be here. I can honestly say my kids all love each other. That's the true test of good parenting to me.
Will do. I don't really want to bring him/her back to the feed store but if it turns out to be a roo I'll have to @pinkmartin73

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