Selling chicks for the first time - any tips?

He's going to your house???????????????
Unfortunately if you advertise anything for sale to the public, it's out of your hands once it becomes their property. If you want your chicks to go to a loving home I suggest you advertise by word of mouth to people you know. Craig's lis has been known to have some shady customers....whatcha gonna do??
I would advise meeting them in a public place, not at your house. (and take a friend with you) You don't know this guy, so why have him know where you live?

Secondly, make it VERY clear that you will not take any of them back for any reason. You will have no idea what they are exposed to while out of your care, and if you take them back, you risk losing your whole flock.

As for what comes of them, you can't control what happens when they are gone.
Please be careful having total strangers go to your house. This is dangerous (especially if you have kids). There are a lot of crazy people out there. If he goes to your house and you don't sell the chicks to him, he may come back later on and try to steal them if you have them outside. I always meet strangers at Wal Mart, a gas station or a neutral place. Strangers NEVER come to my house.
Thanks for the great list of questions Jennifer, I'll definitely be asking those. Thanks for the feed store idea mkyl1. My local feed store doesn't sell chicks so they may let me post a flyer at their counter or in their window. I'll deifinitely inquire because I'm setting another clutch tomorrow in the incubator. I want to sell as many chicks as possible this spring to help finance my chicken operation. Egg sales barely cover the feed, scratch grains and treats. Thanks to everyone for all the input.
Hey Kuntrygirl and Happychooks, thanks for the advice about meeting in a public place. My home is protected by Smith and Wesson security but their have been a lot of burglaries in my area lately ( 340 burglaries within 4 miles in the last 30 days ) so I'm keenly aware that the criminal element exists. I might very well try a public meeting place next time.
This time is a done deal. The guy showed up after working his landscaping job all day and it turns out he works for a friend of mine. He's a great guy and already has a few chickens and knows the ropes. I grilled him with some questions and he had all the right answers so the chicks are on their way to his place. He gave me $40 for the 14 chicks and refused any change so I gave him a dozen eggs. He invited me to drop by his place sometime and check things out and I plan on doing just that. Thanks to everyone for some great advice. I'm glad to give a report with a good outcome.
Awww, I'm so glad that it worked out. Good good good!!!!
That's a good feeling that he invited you to drop by to check on them. That's nice of him.

Your chicks have found a great home. This is a great ending!

But what's not so great is those 340 burglaries within 4 miles of your house in the last 30 days. OMG !!!!!!
Goodness gracious!!!! Be careful out there!!!!

Good luck to you in the future on selling your chicks.
Hey Kuntrygirl -

Thanks for your kind words, I'm very happy things worked out for the best. I live in a beach resort area with a lot of seasonal homes that are empty in the winter and these have been the targets of most of the break ins. There have probably been more than 340 but the police have arrested 8 pairs of burglars responsible for the 340 break ins. One of the guys used to work for me. There are a lot of guys around here who worked in construction when development was booming and now that the bottom has fallen out they have no work but they still have some habits to support. I never used to lock my doors but I do now. Thanks again for the help and support.

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