Selling eating eggs. What prices do you charge?

I sell mine for $1.50. All I want is enough money to pay for my feed. I look at it as a relaxing hobby and the eggs that I give away, I veiw as an opportunity to give back to the community.
Me, too, here in Hollywood, South Carolina. Rural area, folks don't like to pay more for eggs. They aren't impressed by superior eggs, super fresh eggs!
Thank you all so much. I appreciate the information. $2 sounds pretty good for here. I am selling them a little cheaper to the lady down the road, but will keep her price the same. (only had enough for the two of us last year, this year I have plenty more and all of my hens arent laying yet, short one now, something got it last night. Didnt leave a carcass, just a few feathers and some blood, positive it ate it where it killed it though)Grrr. I hope this doesnt become a problem for me. Hate to have to set live traps and relocate.
Well, it varies

I give small and medium eggs to a family with 4 kids, I sell eggs for $3 a dozen to another person, others buy for $2 a dozen, we give eggs to a friend that shows our dog for us as part of her fee.

I have 8 DOZEN eggs in our only fridge right now. I will give away eggs at this point, we need the space. I love my hens and I love collecting eggs. The $$ only helps buy the next bag of feed and that is all I expect. We keep the egg $ in a small mason jar.

I love having plenty of eggs and a way to use up food items/produce that my family won't eat for some reason - they seem to think things go bad waaay before the Delightful Dozen will still enjoy it. LOL
Here in Anchorage, Alaska, I can get $4-$5 dollars a dozen, which is outstanding, and I have waiting lists.
Of course, a 50lb bag of feed costs about $20, too, because it all has to be shipped in.
I just got my coop a few days ago. I'm not all set up yet for chickens. When I first thought of doing this (keeping chickens), and as recently as the day I got the coop, I thought I'd just be giving the eggs away left and right. Don't ask me why (I mean, I'm not completely stupid LOL), but I didn't realize what an investment this is! Keeping chickens ain't cheap! The guys at work think they'll be getting free eggs; wait until I tell them they're gonna have to pony up for 'em.
Wow, chihuahua! $5/dz for eating eggs! Nice!

They average $2/dz in my area area of rural Maine. Since selling fertile hatching eggs pays for my silly chicken hobby, I just give my extra eating eggs away to friends and neighbors. Good PR, I figure. Often I scramble the extras and mix them with some greens, oyster shells, and yogourt and feed to the chickens. They LOVE scrambled eggs! :0)
My hens are free range, and get organic feed at $28.00 a bag. In the winter, when there is less foraging, I have been getting $5.00 here is Western North Carolina, near Asheville. I plan to lower the price to either $3.50 or $4.00, now that we are seeing GREEN!. :)

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