Serama Eggs for sale--SW MO--pickup only


13 Years
Jan 24, 2007
I have 4 little Serama hens laying now-1 to 3 eggs a day. Would sell a dozen in a day or 2, when they finish up laying this dozen, if anyone is interested. But I'm not into shipping yet, so only ifsomeone can pickup. I'm 30 miles N. of Springfrield. Thanks.
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Check your e-mail box. Or e-mail me. I will have to send you pics on regular e-mail,I think. I'm not too good with pics on here.
I have been fooling with this, and I think I got some pics of my Seramas uploaded. The pics aren't very good--they wouldn't pose, the wind was blowing, and they were scared of my camera, but here they are. I weighed one of my little hens the other day, and she weighed about 14oz. They are all about the same size.




The little rooster (Brewster) will stand on my hand and crow, when he is feeling particularly spunky.
Steve--I've never shipped, and don't think I would know how to wrap safely. Unless you want to send instructions I could follow--might consider it if I knew how, and thought I could do it. ??
Look at those pretty Missouri babies!!
Your birda are beautiful!

Judy, when I come up I'll show you how I pack my eggs if you want. Can't wait to meet you in person!! I'll let you know dates and what the airlines say about taking eggs.
Well, I can't remember and can't find a name or e-mail addy where Igot the eggs I hatched the roo from. I got eggs on here, from someone in ILL I think, or IA. Got from both states, but nothing hatched from one group, and hatched 6--4 pullets and 2 roos, from the other batch. I let the person know about the hatch, so if you are on here, please identify yourself. I'm sorry to not be able to do any better than that. The eggs weren't expensive, and the person very nice and generous. Hope they are still on here and will reply.

Yes, please keep me posted, Mo.chick. Finished getting adozen eggs yesterday. Guess I will have to boil them and feed them to some of the chickens. Sure hate to, but don't want to hatch any more myself now, so we can go on vacation later. I don't mind leaving adolescent chicks to a friend to care for, but not babies.
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