Seramas For SuburbaBackyard Project? Or is a rooster still a rooster?

Thanks for the suggestions, guys! I think I will get a batch of eggs and keep them until the roosters crow. And then I will go from there. I will also talk to my neighbors BEFORE they start calling animal code enforcement, keep an open line of communication and stuff like that.
In general, the smaller the rooster, the higher pitch its crow. It may not be as loud as a large rooster, but it is often considered more annoying. As to fewquency of crowing, that varies more by individual bird and environmental and flock dynamics than by breed.
I had the same problem, always wanted a rooster but didn't want to bother the neighbors. My Serama roo is much quieter than any others I had in the past, both bantams and standards. There's a few videos on Youtube if you search for crowing Serama's, that's what sold me on them in that respect.
I bought a Serama roo and had to give him back after 1 week.
He was very small, but his crow was mighty. Oh...he crowed all day too.

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