Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

I just turned the eggs for the last time ever!
Tomorrow I will be setting up for hatching and try to keep my hands out of my incubator.

hay guys wish yull all the best of luck
Same to you!
I'm getting excited! I have been gone for quite a long time, and due to the fact that the fireplace died out, the temp at the top of the eggs was 89. UGH! I candled and they were moving around, so that is good. I don't think I am going to hatch any more chicks for quite a while after this, too much work with this incubator!
I hope we all have good hatches!
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I have a pip! Today is Day 19. If you want to be super precise, Day 20 would start at around 3:30 p.m. today, marking when I actually set the eggs. One of the Belgian D'Anver x Lavender Cochin eggs has pipped. My banty Cochin is almost 4 year old and this will be her first ever chick-never thought she'd have her own babies hatch since there were no pint sized hubbies for her until I got into the D'Anvers.

Correct that. BOTH of her eggs are pipped!
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Congratulations Speckled Hen!!! I just locked down my eggs. Didn't candle any of them this time, so hoping for the best!
I'm with you about the weather down in Virginia--WAY TOO HOT and HUMID for me. There ae some beautiful places in Virginia, but I just can't stand the weather! I lived there for 12 years befoe heading back up north...
I also locked down this morning. I also gave 2 little silkie eggs from the incubator to one of my Buff Orpington hens who has been relentlessly broody for a month. I hope she does not change her mind, and gets off the nest! So, I have 27 eggs ready to hatch in the incubator!!
You sound like me. Today is day 19 for me and I'm so anxious. This past summer when it was so extreemly hot I had a batch of eggs ALL hatch on day 19. Even had a 90% hatch rate. I'm so eager for the chicks to start popping out I'm imagining I hear peeping! Or could it be real? No, it isn't.

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