Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

My first chick has finally!! hatched. At one point there was still shell to zip, next second it was done. Poor little thing is exhausted. Wasn't late as there are wet blood veins in the shell. She's (?) still attached by a thread to the shell right now. So that gives me hope for the other 10 eggs. If this one is ON Time or even Early (according to the veins in the shell) then I'm not going to worry YET about the others.
Good for you! How exciting
They will be fine in there. They can live off the yolk for 3 days. I think tomorrow would be ok to put them in the brooder if you think the hatch is complete. Pics?

Thanks! I thought so. I tried to take some pics but condensation was on the 'glass'!! Is this normal? There wasn't any earlier. They seem to all be doing fine right now. I think I only have 4 more left to hatch, but it's hard to tell! Sorry to hear about your eggs, Sunny!

I would wait then....but let me ask, why do you keep the humidity so low? Just wondering because I keep mine at 50-55% for 1-18...then for lockdown I bump it to 65-70%. What is your temp normally? I keep mine (or try to
) at 100-102 in a Still Air LG...

This is my very first hatch. I was having some problems with humidity and just aimed for a hatch using the dry incubation method. I stayed pretty much in the guidelines except for those couple times where it got to 0%, which wasn't too often, but happened nontheless. My normal temp is 99-101. If it is out of that range then I get worried. It is a forced air incubator (homemade).
This is my very first hatch. I was having some problems with humidity and just aimed for a hatch using the dry incubation method. I stayed pretty much in the guidelines except for those couple times where it got to 0%, which wasn't too often, but happened nontheless. My normal temp is 99-101. If it is out of that range then I get worried. It is a forced air incubator (homemade).

Oh, that explains it! I have never tried dry incubation. I would still wait though...maybe
Have you seen any movement at all?
Thanks! I thought so. I tried to take some pics but condensation was on the 'glass'!! Is this normal? There wasn't any earlier. They seem to all be doing fine right now. I think I only have 4 more left to hatch, but it's hard to tell! Sorry to hear about your eggs, Sunny!

Very cute! Yeah, mine fogs up too...I just keep an eye on the levels and try to keep the vents wide open.
This is my very first hatch. I was having some problems with humidity and just aimed for a hatch using the dry incubation method. I stayed pretty much in the guidelines except for those couple times where it got to 0%, which wasn't too often, but happened nontheless. My normal temp is 99-101. If it is out of that range then I get worried. It is a forced air incubator (homemade).

Can you add water to the incubator? With no humidity, doesn't that dry out the membrane so they can't break through? This is my first time as well, but the Backyard Poultry Mag had a GREAT article that really helped alot, along with this forum.
At least one more egg is pipping! It's the other Silkie. Last time I candled there appeared too much empty space in the bottom (round) end of the egg so I didn't think it was viable. Thank goodness I did't toss it. I heard the first hatchling cheeping but sounded like more than one. Looked closer & could see the other Silkie pipped.
Heavy condensation usually means that humidity has gone above 80% due to the chicks hatching and adding their own moisture in there. Open up vents to let some escape. If you have to, prop the corner of the bator on a pencil crossways for a few minutes to let some moisture escape so it comes back down-that's what I do when the windows fog up like that. They do have a hard time drying off when humidity is 80-90%.
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the chick I had to help out is really sticky, I have not reopened the bator since I put her back in, can someone tell me if she will be alright or do I need to dry her off a bit, I mean she is super sticky, not looking very good either, kind of worried. my mind tells me I should leave her be and let the chick dry out in the bator but my heart tells me the sticky yolk all over her is going to make things harder for this chick. I don't know what to do I need advice please!!!
All five seem to be doing fine. I moved them to the brooder and got them to drink a little water. I got a few pictures. they don't pose very well.

Good luck to everyone that still has eggs hatching!

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