Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

Well, mine doesn't open it's eyes if I pick it up, no liquid or crust that I can see. I have to use a bit of force and pry them apart, it is like they are dry or something. It only happens after it has been resting with it's eyes closed for a while.

One of our newly hatched chicks had a similar problem; we never once saw it open its eyes. It was second to last to hatch, so we planned to clean its eyes when the remaining chick hatched. When it was picked up, it immediately opened its eyes. We've come to the conclusion that she can open her eyes, she's just tired ( or doesn't want to). We have cleaned her eyes once, but ever since she has been fine. Maybe your chick is like ours? Is there any liquid coming out of the eye or crust around it?
Question for you experienced folk:

So I have five chicks hatched (2 silver hamburg, 2 ameraucaunas, 1 sizzle) there are at least 10 more eggs that have started. Today is day 21. My five happy healthy chicks are like bulls in a china shop knocking the remaining eggs all over the place. Is that normal? Do I still just leave them in there until the others are done? Or would it make sense to open the bator to put the 5 in the brooder? I'm happy to leave them in there, just want to make sure they won't harm the others trying to hatch. Also I don't want to harm the others trying to hatch by opening the bator too early.

Any advice?


I think you should leave them in there. You don't want to cause the others to have a tough hatch. it's will be fine. I moved my hatched when there weren't any zipping. You can leave them in there for 3 days so don't worry too much. I've been hatching in egg cartons and that helps to keep them from getting knocked about, but if one pips too low, it will not be able to get out without turning it on it's side.
Well, mine doesn't open it's eyes if I pick it up, no liquid or crust that I can see. I have to use a bit of force and pry them apart, it is like they are dry or something. It only happens after it has been resting with it's eyes closed for a while.

I would just wipe them with warm water now and then. I read somewhere not to pry them open when i was looking into it because of ours. I hope they will be fine after a day or two like ours are.
Ok, another question:

Here is a picture of a few of the hatched eggs shells. Is it normal for that layer to be so thick around the inside of the shell, almost like a hard boiled egg? Just didn't think it would be like that all the way around the chicks. I'll attach a picture.

That's what mine look like too.Yep, it's normal.
As for the egg bowlers...I have them as well....I do try to leave them in until everyone hatches but it can be painful to watch!
I guess that's all I really can do lol not too many other options
. I hope so too, this chick has been out of the shell for not even a day yet so hopefully it will be fine!
I would just wipe them with warm water now and then. I read somewhere not to pry them open when i was looking into it because of ours. I hope they will be fine after a day or two like ours are.
I guess that's all I really can do lol not too many other options
. I hope so too, this chick has been out of the shell for not even a day yet so hopefully it will be fine!

So how many did you get?
I have 2 so 20 and one zipping now.A lot of pips...but not sure what will happen since the temp went down,
well my final count was only 4 hatched. the one I had to help out and wash up I wasn't expecting to live, she was in real distress last night after I finally helped her out of the shell. her breathing was weak she was not getting up or moving and she could not open her eyes. but this morning after being int he incubator all night, she seemed to be struggling to walk but she had her eyes open. after I got home from work she was walking around, and chirping and look real lively. she is now with the 3 other chicks in the brooder, and doing real well.

the last 2 eggs are still in the bator, they are not going to hatch by the looks of it. day 18 one of them was moving a lot more so on day 19, but day 20 nothing at all. so it must of been unable to hatch for some reason. hoping for better hatch rate next time around :)

This is too funny!
If you have seen my thread in the turkey section, I have been wondering if my Turkeys were ever gonna lay this year.

Look what just hatched !! OMG....too funny!!!!!

Isn't she a cute little poult?? I always thought the eggs would be speckled for some reason...and larger...but she/he came out of the egg shell directly behind her. It's a medium sized chicken egg size!!

What a great surprise!

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