setting tonight/tomorrow 5/20-5/21/15

I woke up to chirping far louder then if it was in the egg and flew out of bed so fast! Found two babies in the baton! Thanks God I accidentally poked a hole in one and decided to lock down early!
YAY!!!! Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!! So how many have hatched? How many pipped? And how many to go? Also what has your temps been? I bet they've been a little on the higher side that why you're guys are early.

My Banty batch a day or so ahead of this group set went gangbusters starting at about 12:30 this morning.  My daughter just had to take about 15 dry ones out of the hatcher and move to the brooder to make room for the rest.  Should start seeing pips on the group we all set together if you haven't already.  I haven't looked at that hatcher yet.

Keep us posted on when you get some pips. I'm thinking I'll wake up Wednesday morning to some action. But you never know...I'm secretly hoping sooner! Lol
I have no idea what's going on! I haven't been able to check on them since about 6:30 this morning! They are in our back house where we live and I've been stuck in the front house with the kids and laundry! At last check though we have two chicks and no other action. My temp has been right around 100-102. But pretty close to 100 most of the time. However some were set on the counter until I got enough to fill the baton so if it got warm enough in the house it could have kick start their development. So far two out and 32 more to go including the one i poked a hole in the other day. I think two of those are quiters and and two or three more are blood rings.
I have no idea what's going on! I haven't been able to check on them since about 6:30 this morning! They are in our back house where we live and I've been stuck in the front house with the kids and laundry! At last check though we have two chicks and no other action. My temp has been right around 100-102. But pretty close to 100 most of the time. However some were set on the counter until I got enough to fill the baton so if it got warm enough in the house it could have kick start their development. So far two out and 32 more to go including the one i poked a hole in the other day. I think two of those are quiters and and two or three more are blood rings.
How is it not killing you to go out there and look!!?? Lol!! I've got the incubators set up on the kitchen table so even if the baby is crying or the kids are destroying the house, I can look when I walk by! :)
It i driving me crazy! I've been watching Supernatural to distract me lol. But I'm going back in a few minutes to check and there is no WiFi back there so I'll give an update later :D
No changes yet but now for the million dollar question, do I open the bator and take out those two since there is no other pips or just leave them?
Ok, 9 left out of 45 on my Banty group that is a day ahead of this hatch. Started with 48, had 3 clears, lost 1 this morning at 5 hrs old, 32 in the brooder, 3 drying in the hatcher, 6 are pipped and 3 haven't done anything but they are moving around.

The hatch I started on with this group hatch is in another hatcher and consists of EE's, BBS Orp's, EE Banty's, and a mix of Cochins. There are a couple pipped and right on schedule for day 21 hatch tomorrow.

I also have pheasants due to hatch in another hatcher on Wednesday.

Tomorrow night I will be moving Golden Comets from the cabinet incubator to the hatcher for lockdown.

Setting another 60 tonight at Day 0.

Good luck everybody.
No changes yet but now for the million dollar question, do I open the bator and take out those two since there is no other pips or just leave them?

If it was me and they are dry and moving around, I would. But that's me and I know my incubators inside and out.
No changes yet but now for the million dollar question, do I open the bator and take out those two since there is no other pips or just leave them?
Yes, I would as long as there are no other pips. I take a warm wet washcloth or paper towel and as I open the bator to take a chick out I stick it in to keep humidity. But that's just me.
Okay so today is my actual hatch day but I've been getting chicks for just over 48 hours. At last count i had nine hatched out. Now the plastic wijdows at the top are way to covered in water drops to see inside any advice on how to clear the windows?

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