Sex- linked Information

The two Wyandottes you are talking about do not have birchen. The Appenzeller Spitzhauben he used for that cross had birchen. Your Wyandottes are probably both partridge. You should not have any trouble telling sex by looking at the forehead.
Yes, as long has the hens are not lavender or carrying lavender. Since it is recessive, it does not show in the F1 if only 1 parent has lavender genes.
What egg color are you aiming for? An ameraucana rooster over those hens you will give you light olive/green egg layers. If you want EE with blue eggs you are better off starting with barred hollands, production greys, crested cream legbars or barred easter egger hens from one of the above roosters over ameraucana hens. , I am not sure if it would be a problem with the lavender but I think white legbar hens will work as well. Anybody?
I have barred hens from a similar cross- cream legbar roosters over black copper marans hens. I am going to put them with a black copper marans rooster to get deep olive egg layers.
What egg color are you aiming for? An ameraucana rooster over those hens you will give you light olive/green egg layers. If you want EE with blue eggs you are better off starting with barred hollands, production greys, crested cream legbars or barred easter egger hens from one of the above roosters over ameraucana hens. , I am not sure if it would be a problem with the lavender but I think white legbar hens will work as well. Anybody?
I have barred hens from a similar cross- cream legbar roosters over black copper marans hens. I am going to put them with a black copper marans rooster to get deep olive egg layers.
I'm just aiming for some nice EE and OE for the long run, and I've been looking into breeding and sex-links would be kinda nice for starters; I also love sex-links so

I actually have a white sport legbar! I've just never really considered it because she has no visible barring, and I have a couple barred EE pullets.
That sounds like a very nice cross! I don't get the darkest of eggs from my girls but I love the color <3
We have 23 Red Sex Link hens, and are looking to breed them with our Red-Sex-Link rooster. We got them from a hatchery.

Does anyone know what the offspring will be or look like? As long as they are healthy and still lay, we don't really care what official name they are.
We have 23 Red Sex Link hens, and are looking to breed them with our Red-Sex-Link rooster. We got them from a hatchery.

Does anyone know what the offspring will be or look like? As long as they are healthy and still lay, we don't really care what official name they are.

They will still be excellent layers, but you will not be able to sex them at hatch. About half will be red (gold in the genetic sense) like their mothers and half white (silver) like their father.
I was trying to think of something to add and there really isn’t much. Depending on who the grandparents are you could get some interesting differences in patterns but about half gold, half silver, and probably pretty good layers sums it up really well.

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