Sexing a Muscovy duck, help!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 8, 2014
Just taken 5 ducks of someone's hands as they were in ill health. They are young birds (I was given aprox 3 months old, but not sure!) and I need to sex them as I suspect I have a lot of drakes!
Anyone have any insight into this? I am looking to you guys...the experts!!
Will probably keep them all but worried that I think we have at least 3 if not 4 put of the 5 are drakes so do not want to make that poor wee girl ducks life a misery.
easiest way to tell drake from hen is by quack.. Drakes have a soft raspy quack while females have a loud stereotypical duck quack.. When they are older males get a curl on their tales while females stay straight. Would you like a visual?
Thanks. Trying to upload some more photos.
That is funny, the white one is the only one I thought was female!!
Pretty! I'm far from an expert, but I do know that Muscovies are not descended from mallards. So the drakes do not get curly feathers and neither gender quacks like a regular duck. Some people on this forum have said that by 4-5 months, the females are noticeably smaller than drakes. HTH!

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