Sexing Chicks


Sorry heres the other pic lol
I was also trying to figure out my 6 week bantam Cochins sex I was wondering if size and wing growth can help tell? I have 3 that are very similar in size,feathering but one is a bit bigger but not by much. which brings me to the runt it's less than half the size of the other 3 not much feathering and the wings are tiny. any in put would be greatly appreciated thanks
I am trying to feather sex serama chicks that I incubated, I have 14 from 3 different groups, I have marked each group a specific color, then marked the wing with purple if I think they are hens according to the feather sexing site guide. I'll let you all know how it turns out. By the way, they all look so cute with the fancy color job I did. Look like Easter dyed chicks
Im getting my class B serama eggs tomorrow!
They hopefully will hatch & some will be frizzled.
Question is can I feather sex themwhen they hatch? I know it only works with some breeds. Is serama one of them?
Hi, I am a teacher assisting in raising chicks at my school. I did not find the info on sexing chicks until a couple days ago and as of today our four chicks are 12, 11, and 10 days old. I am seeing wing feathers growing in well on all four, but the tail feathers are looking different. Two have tails that have rounded ends, one has tail feathers that have tufts, and one has no tail feathers at all. Is this a way we can determine the sex of the chicks? According to the site the order was placed through (for the fertilized eggs), the chicks are longhorn chickens. Please help. Any information will be appreciated!

female chicks will develop wing feathers faster and longer than males in the early stages of life or you can lightly squeeze them just enough for them to poop and if they have a bump that protrudes its a male if not its a female. Youtube has many videos in sexing young chicks.
female chicks will develop wing feathers faster and longer than males in the early stages of life or you can lightly squeeze them just enough for them to poop and if they have a bump that protrudes its a male if not its a female. Youtube has many videos in sexing young chicks.
You only have a 2 week window in sexing your chicks after that it gets rather difficult
Hi, I am a teacher assisting in raising chicks at my school. I did not find the info on sexing chicks until a couple days ago and as of today our four chicks are 12, 11, and 10 days old. I am seeing wing feathers growing in well on all four, but the tail feathers are looking different. Two have tails that have rounded ends, one has tail feathers that have tufts, and one has no tail feathers at all. Is this a way we can determine the sex of the chicks? According to the site the order was placed through (for the fertilized eggs), the chicks are longhorn chickens. Please help. Any information will be appreciated!
Since they are all Leghorns, comparisons between them might be useful already. Look at leg thickness, speed of feathering, overall size, etc. and you may pick out the more obvious males. But, it will be more accurate to simply look at combs at seven weeks. Males will have theirs reddening and growing, females will be yellow to light pink, little growth.
These are my march babies! My first hatch. They're adorable and currently two weeks old. Hoping for opinions....

Look at the comb on this guy compared to the others!


#3 I feather sexed as male after hatch. Not that I knew what I was doing.

What do you guys think? I hope at least one is a girl.
Hey guys and gals, I have some 3 week old Wellies and Copper Blacks to have a guess at. Going on feathering, growth, behaviour etc I have my ideas, but thought I'd share. Just gonna show 4. 1st Seems pretty obvious!
1:Gloria/Gilbert A Welsummer, rapidly grown to one of the largest, feathering fast, tail etc, black on breast last few days!

2: Daphne/Dave, another Welly but smaller and no black, yet.. None had eyeliner at hatch

3:Ethel/Eric a Copper Black, Largest and darkest at hatch, stayed big but others have caught up. Feathering but slowerin comparison, more fluffy.. tail there but slower. Less feisty, had the most chicken instinct at hatch! Most independent. Heart says pullet.
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