sexing day old chicks

Oopsie, Ed.
Oh that would be awesome if you could post a link. Do they have to be day old chicks or could you possibly do it when they are a little older. I have some 2 and half month olds I am dying to know the sex of.

Hey, can you post a pic?

Sorry NO I don;t have any chicks right now! But if I find the methos on line I will try to post a link!

I was in so much disbelief I tried it at tsc in one of the tubs that had sexed pullets....the ones I picked up kicked, I did pick up one or two that dangled.
I have four 1 week old chicks. In a few weeks I should be able to sight sex them( hopefully) at a day old using this method they are all 4 supposedly female. So we shall see how well this works, ha ha
Hay guys can we go back throu this thread and check to see who has made it back on to the new BYC site and who has not. - Older hens and roos may have trouble getting their heads round the new site and we all need to be minful off the missing. Can we all make a special effort to go through and contact those folk who have not posted since the change and offer help to find their way back thanx!

I have tried it on a few weeks old chicks and got different results. I don't know what the reason would be. Try anyway.then post the result.
I´m going to try this on the morning as i have3 born yesterday and hopefuuly another 3 over night................i´ll let you know.

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