Sexing Easter Eggers

Hi Everyone: Thanks in advance for your help. I'm excited to be a first time chicken mom. These were supposedly 98% hens, but I was hoping to get your help with identifying one (maybe all of them!). Three are ameraucana chickens (ee?), two are Buff Orpington, and one is Rhode Island Red. I tried to use wing and tail feathers at a young age, and all of them seemed to look female. As they grew older (I got them as chicks first week of April), they all acted like pullets except for one of the ameraucana/ee. She was always herding the others, jumping on them, pushing them out of the way. She would always run away from me while the others would basically let me hold them. Two days ago she pecked at me when I reached in the coop to get her; today I went out and she was half-crowing. Up until today, I attributed all that to the hen's pecking order, and I know hens can crow, but today her wattle even looks more red than the others. The first collection is the five that I think seem to act and look like pullets. The second collection is five shots of the ameraucana/ee that I think now might be a cockerel (with two of the shots showing him/her in comparison). Of course, I'm happy to be wrong on all of them...I've been wrong at least once today. Thanks again for your help!

First Collection....Pullets I think

Second collection--all of same "mean" guy/girl that acts different from all the rest.
Hi Everyone: Thanks in advance for your help. I'm excited to be a first time chicken mom. These were supposedly 98% hens, but I was hoping to get your help with identifying one (maybe all of them!). Three are ameraucana chickens (ee?), two are Buff Orpington, and one is Rhode Island Red. I tried to use wing and tail feathers at a young age, and all of them seemed to look female. As they grew older (I got them as chicks first week of April), they all acted like pullets except for one of the ameraucana/ee. She was always herding the others, jumping on them, pushing them out of the way. She would always run away from me while the others would basically let me hold them. Two days ago she pecked at me when I reached in the coop to get her; today I went out and she was half-crowing. Up until today, I attributed all that to the hen's pecking order, and I know hens can crow, but today her wattle even looks more red than the others. The first collection is the five that I think seem to act and look like pullets. The second collection is five shots of the ameraucana/ee that I think now might be a cockerel (with two of the shots showing him/her in comparison). Of course, I'm happy to be wrong on all of them...I've been wrong at least once today. Thanks again for your help!

First Collection....Pullets I think
View attachment 1809933

Second collection--all of same "mean" guy/girl that acts different from all the rest.
View attachment 1809935
Four pullets and a cockerel
Hi Everyone: Thanks in advance for your help. I'm excited to be a first time chicken mom. These were supposedly 98% hens, but I was hoping to get your help with identifying one (maybe all of them!). Three are ameraucana chickens (ee?), two are Buff Orpington, and one is Rhode Island Red. I tried to use wing and tail feathers at a young age, and all of them seemed to look female. As they grew older (I got them as chicks first week of April), they all acted like pullets except for one of the ameraucana/ee. She was always herding the others, jumping on them, pushing them out of the way. She would always run away from me while the others would basically let me hold them. Two days ago she pecked at me when I reached in the coop to get her; today I went out and she was half-crowing. Up until today, I attributed all that to the hen's pecking order, and I know hens can crow, but today her wattle even looks more red than the others. The first collection is the five that I think seem to act and look like pullets. The second collection is five shots of the ameraucana/ee that I think now might be a cockerel (with two of the shots showing him/her in comparison). Of course, I'm happy to be wrong on all of them...I've been wrong at least once today. Thanks again for your help!

First Collection....Pullets I think
View attachment 1809933

Second collection--all of same "mean" guy/girl that acts different from all the rest.
View attachment 1809935
The second group, the first one with the bright red comb is a cockerel. And yes, your birds aren't ameraucana, they are easter eggers.

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