Sexing SLWs and Buff Orps


Apr 1, 2013
Just for kicks, and to learn more, I'm curious as to what you think of gender of these SLWs. I'm not expecting an instant identification, and know they're usually just a wait and see kind of deal!
They are about a week old now, and have grown alot! I can try to get better pics once my camera battery charges. There's so much info out there. Plus, these guys change so much day to day..

Also, I know Buffs are pretty much a wait and see from what I've been reading. But are there any features you can kind of watch to make guesses ahead of time for fun? :) A few of them are already growing tail feathers, and the wing feathers they have in already is amazing! They are more grown out than our SLWs!

(I think I matched up the pictures correctly...The 3 large ones have such similar markings, it's hard to tell them apart when I'm done with the photos!)

Large chick #1

Large chick #2

Large chick #3

Med chick

Small chick #1

Small chick #2

(?unsure if same chick)

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The three largest have pretty thick legs. But the other two are smaller so i don't really know how to compare haha :)
Well, these guys/gals are about 2 weeks old now. There are at least 2 that we are pretty sure are going to be Roos.
They're all quite timid, but friendly.
One of them is my little black headed favorite...
I know it's still early, but these guys are starting to get quite red where their combs are. Thoughts?

Roo? Edited 3/24 to add: Has red wattles growing.

Roo? Comb area isn't red yet, but he has white feathers coming in above his wings. Runt of the group, had issues with pasty butt for the first 4-5 days.

Roo? This one's personality screams Roo... Edited 3/24: Also has bright red wattles forming.

Pullet? (quite camera shy...better pics to follow later)

Pullet? dark comb, but some white on feathers above wings (roo in back?)
So vulture-ish looking right now

Not sure? Comb on this one is orangish-red, but no white feathers above wings. Acts Roo-ish
Edited 3/24: I think I saw wattles starting to form

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We aren't sure about him since he was a runt and so much smaller than the rest. He's only just starting to catch up to them in size.

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